“Yeah, you guys aren’t used to that, but I am,” I drawled.
“Fair.” He took a sip and let out a slow breath. “I’m pretty sure your grandfather sent me a vision.”
I was waiting for him to go on, but he drank more, clearly shaken. “Okay, so I’m assuming no male royal has ever gotten one? Really? Never?”
“No, it’s not supposed to be possible, and he made it clear to only tell you because it could undermine your rule or—people could be assholes, and I want us to be real one day.”
I think I was shocked that I wasn’t shocked he felt that way. Or that was his priority. I wasn’t shocked he said that.
Wow, we’d really come a long way.
“And you got the vibe it was from Lageos’s parent?” I checked when I digested that first part.
He nodded. “The worry was… Paternal. Parental. It felt like—yeah family. He didn’t like this caused you guys to fight, and he knows his son is coming home soon, but he wanted you to not hurt.” He scrubbed his hand over his head too roughly, messing up his braids to the point it looked painful.
I moved to sit on the arm of his chair and started taking them out. “We’ll figure this out, Nel.”
“I’m sorry for how I acted. I know that’s not what we’re talking about right now, but I needed to say it. I—you were—there was so much blood, and hearing you say that you ignored the warning—my mind just exploded. It’s like you try to leave me.”
“I don’t and I’m not mad. You guys had every right to be upset and blast me,” I said gently. “There was more to it, and thank you for apologizing, but I deserved what I got. I’m just glad you don’t hate me.”
He moved his free hand to my thigh and leaned into me a bit more. “I could never hate you, baby doll. I’m scared of how much I care for you after losing so much, but I could never hate you.”
I moved on to another braid. “What did he want to tell you?”
“That I’m the missing piece to save the little girl without torturing her,” he whispered. He finished his drink when I froze. “I know. It’s nuts and—”
“Nel, please give me the answer and break down after. I’ll help, but fuck—please, I need the answer. I’ve been a mess thinking I’d have to torture her to heal her,” I rasped.
He set down his drink and pulled me onto his lap, hugging me tightly. “I’m sorry I didn’t see that and understand. I’m so sorry, baby doll.” He kissed my temple and then let out a whoosh of breath. “I keep her unconscious and take her pain.”
“What?” I roared as I pushed to my feet. His arms didn’t move fast enough or he didn’t want to let me go, but I was stronger, so we sort of tumbled out of the chair with him landing on top of me. “No. No, that can’t be the answer.”
He nodded. “A sacrifice has to be given, but he made it clear that it didn’t have to be the child. I could do it.”
“No!” I flipped us and shook him. “No, Nel!Everyonewill want you to make that sacrifice for them. They think male royals—that they own us and—”
“I don’t know that I can for fairies or adults,” he said with a frown.
“When have people ever usedlogicor rules like that?” I snapped as I pushed to stand. “People ignored how much things hurt me all of the time and just wanted more. You don’t think they’ll do the same to you especially after they think you owe them everything because of what yourmotherdid? No.”
“No! I forbid it. I’m the boss—you’ve even said so. I’m going to be queen, so shut up and don’t even bring it up again. I don’t care that my grandpa or a god or whoever told you to do it. I said no, so it’s not happening and—”
“I’m so fucking in love with you,” he chuckled as he pushed to sit up, smiling brightly at me and showing his dimples. “Ilove you, Tamsin Vale. You are so fierce and perfect, and I’m completely in love with you.”
I blinked at him for a full minute which was horrible to do. I knew that.
And then I made it worse.
“You stupid fairy,” I whispered.
He threw back his head and laughed, suddenly on his feet and hugging me. “Of course, that’s your response, you weird woman.”
“I’m not changing my mind,” I told him firmly, smacking his chest when he simply laughed at me. “I said no.”
He leaned back and kissed me. “It’s my choice, my mate. I would never tell you that you can’t do something that will hurt you. You’d rightfully beat my ass if I said you couldn’t heal another wing because of what it does to you.”