That was a shock to everyone… Including me. I didn’t have any idea I’d said that.
The shock was enough to pull me out of the dream and I sat up, blinking at Julian.
Understanding filled his eyes. “You saw everything we were talking about.” It should have been a question, but it wasn’t.
I nodded. “I’m so sorry.”
He let out a heavy breath. “There are always risks with new magic. If yours didn’t warn you to stop then…”
Everyone went tense when he trailed off, and I was pretty sure it was because guilt was all over my face.
“I’m so sorry.”
Julian crossed his arms over his chest and stared at the floor. “I’m not sure that’s enough this time, Tams.”
“You’re right,” I accepted. “I didn’t realize it was that bad though. I swear it. The warning came, and I thought just a bit more because it felt like I was almost there.” I swallowed loudly when no one said anything. “How is he? Is someone watching him?”
I flinched when Hudson turned and punched the wall, making a hole in it before storming out of the room.
Julian raised his head and anger was thick in his eyes. “Is his life more valuable to you than mine? We’re tied together, and you riskedour liveswhen he wasn’t in any danger of dying.” He went to say more but then shook his head and followed after Hudson.
“I love you and I’m always on your side, but I need a moment to calm down before I say something I could regret,” Darby muttered before following them.
“You’re a fucking moron and I won’t regret saying that,” Neldor seethed. “I was willing to forgive you everything because I saw the frantic look in your eyes, but your fucking magic warned you and still you risked all of us—all of Faerie for one—you’re a fucking moron.”
He stormed out and most of the other fairies looked uncomfortable. A few muttering that they’d go get me food.
Yeah, I didn’t blame them for wanting out of that situation.
“You will do better with your security,” Lageos declared. “If you can’t be a mature adult who can be trusted going off alone, especially when I keep seeing you come back with the box with Meira’s magic and looking guilty, then you are not to be trusted. Or I will put a fucking tether on you until you care enough about your own life.”
He teleported away before I could even respond.
I hugged my knees and broke down silently sobbing. I don’t know how long I went on, but I realized I wasn’t sitting on the cot anymore.
And a large warm hand was rubbing my back as someone snuggled my hair.
I blinked and slowly pulled away to meet hazel eyes full of worry. “Lucca?”
“Yeah, I’m here, cream puff,” he whispered, kissing my forehead. “They brought your food. Can you please eat for me? You’re still too low on the tank.” He smiled when I nodded and moved me off of his lap.
I grabbed his arm and couldn’t get my mouth to work for a few moments. “You stayed? You don’t hate me?”
He let out a slow breath. “They don’t hate you either, Tams. I’m not happy, but—yeah, I stayed. So please eat and we can talk about what happened. Not bad, but we need to discuss it.”
That was fair. I nodded and let him go so he could bring over the bags of food. I smiled when I saw it was Taco Bell, wondering who went and got that for me. They didn’t hate me either then, right?
“Iolas,” he told me and opened another bag as he set a drink on a tray and rolled it to me. “And no one hates you. Everyone’s just all over the place. I am too. You are too.”
I ate because he asked me to and I was starving, but after shoveling in a dozen tasty chalupas, I had to push. “Why did you stay?”
He sighed. “Because I was there when you came back.” He nodded when I frowned. “I was late for you waking them up, but I came to help. I thought I’d find you there relieved since it’s over besides the queens. Or I worried you’d need hugs because they’re who you have to wake next and it’s all too much.”
“Yeah, that was part of it,” I admitted when he didn’t say more, getting this was some serious give and take after I’d upset them all. I took a long drink. “I realized—I’ve accepted my future, and I think I will be a good queen. I could…”
“What, cream puff? Please talk to me.”