Page 59 of Vibing Unity

And it was about more than this one little girl. My magic was pushing me. It wanted me to figure this out.

Which meant the best thing right now was for me to get other things worrying me off my mind and cleanse. Maybe a lot.

So that was where I started after I ate. I promised the witch we’d talk more when I returned but I needed to get more off my shoulders so I could focus on her sister and get the answer. I think she—and everyone there—was shocked that I was so honest and even blunt with her.

We were all too busy to beat around the bush.

Hudson was available and happy to spend time with me even if I was in my head cleansing. We basically took a long walk while meditating.

And normally had hot sex after, but this time Chief alerted me that what I wanted was ready. I gave Hudson a kiss and told him that I had to go and to please cover for me. That I’d see him back at home and give him what he deserved.

“Great, now I’m going to be hard waiting for you, shorty,” he grumbled, but gave me a hug and told me to be careful.

I’d be fine. I was going to have a talk with someone, but they weren’t a threat.

Not to me. Not at the moment.

I was simply going to make sure that was true for the future as well.

I teleported to Chief and opened a portal to a few other fae dogs. I told them to put their flames on, but not to act no matter what unless I said so.

Then I uncloaked us so Ronald Von Thann could sense us. He was shifted in the woods near his house, his sloth’s land.

And he was alone.

“It’s this easy for me to kill you,” I told him before making my own fae fire appear. A small ball that I tapped between myfingers as I looked at him. “This easy for you to die without a trace and no one would ever know it was me. You believe that, right? Seeing the fae fire and my dogs is what finally got Lucca’s bear to submit back when we had problems.”

Yes, it clearly worked. His bear was terrified.

“The question is do you believe I have it in me,” I purred. “I don’t think you do which is really silly with everything you know about me, but given this discussion is about my future children, you should.” I met his gaze and saw hesitation. “I know we’ve discussed this and you agreed, but you’ve agreed to shit before and gone back on it.

“I also wasn’t a part of that, and gods help him, Lucca still loves you for some reason. I don’t. I would prefer you be gone.” I snickered when he couldn’t hide his shock. “They’d grieve and move on. Your mate could do way better—deserves better. You’re fucking clueless in the way you treat her and you’re this old?”

He shifted back and was careful so his lower half was behind a bush. “You also don’t know everything, and I’ve been doing better.”

“Yes, you have, which is why I won’t demand Lucca cut you out of our lives like Julian did his mom. She wouldn’t accept she lost and her crimes. You have, but you’ve also not paid for some of them the way I think you should. More than that, I can’t cleanse you like her, and I worry you will backslide when you see the chance for more power.”

He swallowed loudly, and I actually felt better that he was worried about the same.

“Fire out and go hunt,” I ordered my dogs. “Bring me a fine kill as fast as you can.” I smirked at Ronald. I didn’t think it would take long.

And my “kids” didn’t disappoint.

Chief came racing back not two minutes later with a huge buck in his mouth. He clearly had no problem carrying it either.

“You don’t need to convince me of how lethal fae dogs are, Your Highness,” Ronald whispered.

“Seeing is believing,” I chuckled darkly.

He swallowed loudly, and I saw the fear in his eyes as he met my gaze—trauma even. “I was a boy when this sloth was really invaded last, not just a problem like you helped with. My father was too kind and hated all the bullshit as you did. Two different sloths were tired of his soft heart. It was dumb luck that a fairy was visiting his lover when the attack started.

“He opened a portal to Dark Guardians as you have before, any on Earth knowing how to contact help from the dark realm. They came through and brought fae dogs. I was seven when I saw exactly how lethal they are. The two sloths were just gone. Everyone who came to kill us that night wasgonein next to no time. The fairies—”

“Didn’t even have to give orders. We’re mentally linked with the Alphas sworn to us, and fae dogs are as intelligent as your bear.” I nodded. “So are unicorns. And you aremistakenthat hobgoblins are mentally inferior or disabled in any way. They acted as they did because of circumstances and traditions.”

He opened his mouth but then closed it, nodding.

I snorted. “Most hobgoblins are the ones explaining technology and smartphones to fairies who just can’t process the change. You need to understand that.”