Probably from my detail.
Yeah, well, they were used to this from me.
It wasn’t just that seeing his face in that woman’s mind was enough to teleport to him. It was more than that like how my dad had shown me with the animals. Or I’d done before tracing magic.
It was intent. It was… My magic being awesome?
There was still some trace of him on that woman and the little girl. Some essence. Mostly dark that he left on that girl like fingerprints.
The metaphysical kind?
I didn’t really know how to explain it.
I just really,reallywanted to find the guy and my magic was on the same page with me.
I teleported about twenty feet above where he was, making sure I was cloaked. Smiling evilly when I saw that he was on some rural highway without even streetlights even, I let my wings out and got some good altitude.
“Shit,” someone groaned from below me. They probably opened a portal to me and figured out that I was up to something.
Something awesome in my opinion.
I went up a bit more before folding in my wings and dropping fast with gravity like a missile. I adjusted how I needed and made sure my barrier was wrapped around me to keep me safe… As I landed on the hood of the guy’s moving truck.
To say it was destroyed was an understatement. I fucking demolished the front, denting the ground under it for sure. The hood and engine section was a pancake, the windshield shattering as the rest of the truck tried to keep going with its momentum.
I smirked at the asshole as the truck split since I’d basically cut the front off. The momentum and force… I basically used myself as one coin to flip the other coin. That kind of physics for sure.
So I was laughing as he—and the rest of the truck—flipped over my head.
Even better?
He was an asshole who didn’t wear his seatbelt… Not that I thought it would be much help in something like that.
He landed with the cab and went rolling out of it as the rest of the truck kept flipping along. Honestly, this might have been one of the crazy times that not wearing a seatbelt was better.
“So your theory that I can’t teleport to you while you’re moving is stupid,” I taunted as I walked over to him.
“You’re fucking nuts, you stupid bitch,” he groaned as he grabbed his bleeding side.
“Yeah, I am, and you know what sets me off most?” I jeered as I stood over him. “Child abusers.” I made fae fire appear but not in a ball, just at the tips of my fingers. “How many times did you put your fucking cigarettes out on those kids? How many times did youtortureyour stepkids?”
“What? I don’t—I need help! You almost fucking killed me and can’t—”
“Actually, she can, cockroach,” Morgan said as he moved up next to me. “Our leader can do whatever she wants. You did whatever you wanted to children because they couldn’t fight back. Seems fitting to me.”
“Doesn’t it, though?” I chuckled darkly before moving one finger to the man’s arm and burning him. I smiled as he screamed. “That’s what it feels like to a child to be burned with a cigarette. That’s how sensitive and easily their young skin hurts—the fear they feel when an adult does it to them. You think me a monster? Fine, but it was monsterslike youthat made me like this.”
And then I kept burning him. I did it like twenty times, waking him when he passed out from the pain.
“Those won’t ever heal,” I purred.
“What? No, someone can—they have to,” he sobbed as he reached for the ones I’d left on his face.
“No one can heal her magic,” Morgan said with an evil grin as he squatted down next to the man. “Even the most powerful healers here and in Faerie cannot heal fae fire. Only our leader.”
I blew on my fingers and let the fire go out like they were matches just to be a shit. I nodded for the other Guardians to take the guy away and get him medical attention before locking him up.