Fuck, it was sort of comical, but I also understood that too because fairies wanted to learn what they’d missed and how far witches and warlocks had come. Especially since some had unlocked our magic. So a lot of it was people trying to spy and check out information.
Except the people who did that weren’t the people who would donate their time to educate the future Queen of Faerie. Like… Duh.
I mean, the commanders weren’t wrong that assholes lived for instances to get near me and would be underhanded to tryand pull shit on me. True. For sure, but this also involved their council, one of their councilmen my teacher.
Whatever, it wasn’t logical, but I couldn’t argue that bad guys didn’t follow logic, and since that was what I preached all the time, I didn’t fight this.
The first assignment involved a supe police officer injured in the line of duty, so I saw Captain Reddy, the attractive wolf shifter I had history with. Not the naughty kind since he had kids older than me, but the rumors would say otherwise.
Still, he was attractive and I’d made comments saying as much.
Which was why a jealous Julian and Darby showed meexactlywhy I should focus on them instead of paying attention to the wolf. Over the whole weekend after my period.
I was convinced.
Oh, and we were able to help the shifter. It would take him about a month to fully heal and repair his relationship with his animal, but he’d be just fine.
There were a few “easy” cases that were just for teaching examples and there was no risk to the patient. The only inconvenience was them having to wait to be healed until everyone could get there, but they agreed so they could be under the care of the royal healers after.
And we had alerted supes across the board so they knew this was happening. All the different species leaders were notified, and it was on their news that it was my class but sort of like a task force to push healing. Also, to make this a class for people who showed potential in healing.
A few weeks into the semester, we were called in at like nine at night for a girl who was only ten and the right side of her body had been crushed. That was all I knew.
Luckily, it had been that side, and help had gotten there fast enough because her ribs would have pierced her heart not long after if it had been the other side.
When I arrived, they had already healed most of the life-threatening wounds. They weren’t delaying to wait for me or the team, simply if they did it too fast it could shock her system and kill her.
I jumped in to help and give the healers energy while I learned and did what they did. They thanked me for the power boost but then stepped away to discuss the next steps… While I leaned in closer when something caught my eye.
Namely scars.
From cigarettes.
Specific scars I knew well because I used to have them on my body before my magic came out and I started getting my injuries healed. Some of them only after my wings came out.
“How did this happen?” I demanded.
“She ran behind a car and was hit,” a man said from off to the side, answering the wrong question. It made sense that he would think that was what I was asking.
Except what he said made no sense.
I glanced up and met the gaze of a self-important man who dared me to question him, begged me to challenge him. I knew the look well. It was one of someone who was ready to smack me down because he thought he had all of the power in the situation.
I had all the power in any situation now.
“Why was a girl this young outside at night unsupervised to be running behind vehicles?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
“You’d have to ask her parents, but they’re called ‘accidents’ for a reason, Princess,” he replied with a haughty tone.
“Yes, but if they’d backed over her, they’d have to be going pretty fast to get from the bumper hitting her to then crushingher under the wheel,” I said I as moved between her and the man. “Normally, getting hit by a back bumper knocks someone out of the way, especially if they were running. It’s a physics thing.”
I had absolutely no idea if that was actually true, but I wanted to push this man’s buttons.
Apparently, I didn’t have to push them hard.
“You were brought in to heal the girl, nothing more, so I suggest—”