“Or stay and watch and she’ll gouge your eyes out for seeing me naked or her father will crush you for seeingherhave sex,” Julian taunted.
It worked because they left… Even if a few of them had to be dragged off by the smart ones. I was rewarded with amazing sex and what seemed like never-ending breakfast because I was actually almost full when it was all gone.
And then it was time for lunch. I wasn’t the only one who laughed at that.
It also worked because they didn’t come back. My dad came for dinner and to work on more magic asking what I’d done because people were talking about not being allowed here anymore.
“It’s best you don’t know,” I told him firmly. “Seriously, don’t ask unless you want gray hair.”
He sighed as he gave me a look of love.
But that was mostly the rest of my vacation. The Vogels didn’t have a party this year. They made it clear it was because ofhow people behaved last year and they weren’t going to subject Connor to more talk about him being their alternate or second choice when he would be the future king of the North American dragons.
Good for them.
We put out a press release stating we supported the move, and hopefully people would take the time they should to reflect on their past behavior in a lot of areas, not simply this one. All supes even—fairies included. We all could do better, and hopefully this new year could bring out better people in all of us now that there were less threats and corruption in our world.
Sure, we could blame it on that instead of too many people being horrible.
I hadn’t meant it to be a backhanded comment on too many still making noise about my getting married instead of mated like I was just a human, but it killed those conversations fast. Also, that I wasn’t royal enough to not have some huge event that everyoneimportantshould have been invited to.
The fact people had still been talking like that after I’d made it clear that everyone importanthadbeen invited was pathetic. People really could be so self-important and stupid at the same time. Seriously, did they not hear their own words and idiocy?
Apparently not.
But it was a great break and I was ready to get back to school… Mostly to get it over with. It hurt my heart to feel that way because it meant I would lose my dad, but I had a whole world that was ready for me to become queen and the next stage. There were only a couple million fairies left to wake and—it was time.
Which was why I wanted to spend just about every minute with him. I knew it would hurt more when I lost him, but I wanted to enjoy the time I had left.
So when Neldor told me we had plans the last Friday before I went back to school, I told him no. Especially when it was at four in the morning. SotechnicallyFriday but really Thursday.
“Tams, trust me, you want to do this,” he said firmly, mischief dancing in his eyes.
Damn him. I did.
Yeah, I really did. It was somemassiveevent in Seoul, South Korea. I wasn’t sure because everything was in Korean, but then I caught an English sign and I couldn’t hold in my excitement. It was one of those K-pop in public events where anyone could join in the dance of the song playing.
But this was some sort of contest? I shot Neldor a look, but he was talking to the Guardians who were holding our spots in line. We got some nasty looks at that from the other people, but Neldor promised it wasn’t against the rules.
And the Prince of Darkness could be pretty intimidating, so when he gave some looks back, people chilled out.
I didn’t have a chance to really ask what was all going on since the line started moving fast. He paid for our entry and we each received wristbands with our numbers that had a microchip in them even. Also, numbers that went around our necks and clipped to our pants.
So there had to be a real prize for this or something if they were taking it so seriously? Or maybe the sponsor just wanted to make sure they didn’t get into shit later for hosting a bogus event?
Probably that.
Some of our security had sneaked in and clearly weren’t happy how packed the event was. Seriously, there was no way the amount of people was up to fire code or whatever even if it was a huge indoor stadium or whatever. I wasn’t shocked when I felt more fairies sneaking in.
The event coordinators probably realized the problem as well because it started while people were still checking in. Neldor and I shrugged it off and were just excited to dance. We’d been working for over a year with Guardians on new dances for different squads and groups. They all wanted updated songs and dances… And the distraction.
We weren’t stupid. It wasn’t always about wanting to dance more and the bonding but the distraction at missing twenty or more years of their life.
Which was why we always encouraged it and made sure we were around to help and join in. Plus, I just loved dancing.
The judges were very obvious which was great. They were wearing florescent shirts with “JUDGE” written in several languages.
An electronic horn noise went off and they started with a BLACKPINK song that I loved. I knew the dance and immediately went out to do it along with a ton of other women.