Page 34 of Vibing Unity

Mrs. Courtenay pulled out her phone and smiled. “And we have another forty cows fully butchered. Two different ranchers were able to come through with twenty to be picked up Friday.”

They jumped in and helped us get everything organized, and the commanders even arranged more teams to help shop and pick it all up. It was a real help, but I shot Julian a look that we were on the same page… And we were annoyed.

This “gift” was a huge fucking hassle, not to mention fucking expensive for me. While I understood that and having to do this for appearance’s sake… Just fuck everything.

“So much for getting some honeymoon before the honeymoon,” he grumbled as we collapsed into bed later.

I couldn’t have agreed with him more.


I was relieved that my “uncle” was barely even a blip on anyone’s radar. Even supe media only reported how far over the line that station went and immediately focused back on the trial of the general of the Underground. That actually went ridiculously fast, and we were on the second one after a few days.

There were reports and speculations that something huge was going on in Faerie. The bakery was closed for a four-day weekend without any explanation and we were distracted.

They could speculate all they wanted. I just didn’t want it getting out until after it was done.

While preparations were going on, I slipped over to the main location of HAVEN because I’d had a dream… Vision. This one was a vision, and I just needed to accept that. But it involved Avril Rothchild, and I decided to just tell her so maybe I wouldn’t have it forty more times and ruin my sleep.

I didn’t mean to be selfish, but I had enough trying to ruin my fucking sleep all the fucking time.

And I liked my sleep.

The door to her office wasn’t closed all the way, so I gave a quick knock and walked in… To find something crazy.

I swallowed a yelp and booked it out of there before they even noticed I was there.


I blinked at the office and stepped away when I heard moaning.

“Is everything okay, Your Highness?” Ara worried.

“I don’t need to tell Avril that I had a vision of her with Sean,” I mumbled, shaking my head as I walked to find Ellen. “Apparently, she already knows because he was eating her for a lovely meal.”

“Oh my,” she chuckled, the others on my security trying to cover up their reactions as well.

Ellen wasn’t in her office, but then I heard something from the conference room and I figured it was her.

It was.

And she wasn’t alone.

“Okay, fucking close doors if you’re going to do this at work!” I snapped when I walked in to find Marshall screwing Ellen bent over the conference table. I slammed the door behind me and found my security falling all over each other. “Am I high?”

“If you are, you’ve shared, Your Highness,” one of the guys said before bursting out all over again.

“What are the odds?” I whispered as I glanced behind me and then towards where Avril’s office was. I headed for the main desk to leave them a note, but Avril came hurrying towards us with Sean on her heels.

And there was something off with them. I thought maybe I was just tired, but it was like coloring near them and then it was gone.

Auras. I was seeing a bit of their auras like before when I’d used Julian’s power and we got a bit from each other. I shook it off and opened my mouth to say something, but Ellen and Marshall came hurrying out as well.

“We’re sorry,” Ellen blurted.

I blinked at her and then snorted. “I’m not upset like I’m your boss and you’re working. Just close the damn door.” Irolled my eyes when they seemed worried. “If I told you what Julian and I have done in his office—it’s fine. Just close the damn doors and don’t scar anyone. Me especially.”

Marshall snorted and gave me a look that he’d seen worse from me.