Well said… Even if he probably shouldn’t have said it for me but whatever.
“I know the idea was to branch into greeting cards and more,” I took back over. “We approved whatever the ‘more’ was that you wanted.”
“If you could back up and fill everyone here in on the steps,” Neldor hedged, glancing at me. “We trust you, but we’ve known you—Tamsin has for years and years. For those that we’re looping in or now the citizens of Faerie who are just being brought in on this.”
“Of course, Your Grace,” Juan accepted.
“No, you don’t—drama aside with your family, you were born a prince, Juan. The eldest and heir. Giving Tamsin the respect of being our leader and future queen is one thing, but you are not beneath anyone else here. We respect our allies, and you’ve done us afavortaking over so much to help Faerie in her time of need.”
That was why Neldor was awesome. He meant it. It wasn’t for the cameras or public, but as much as he could be a spoiled prince, he had a good heart.
Juan accepted that and went over the original idea of doing calendars and how it all came about. The problem was the profit margin was low after we paid for the printers or did print by demand so it wasn’t the bulk printing discounts.
Then there was the idea that the noble Mallory would enter the human world as an artist doing things never seen before… And really, they were pictures of Faerie. People would think it was digital art and she was a new talent.
Apparently, it was a really good fucking idea because she blew up.
I knew the numbers were good after Neldor promoted her as something he stumbled across and bought some prints from, but… We had no idea.
Juan had bought a warehouse for next to nothing and a noble who wasn’t eligible to run his family’s area was taking over the project. His family had experience with printing presses and more, so he was easily updated on the new machines needed. They bought printers for the art prints, calendars—a whole slew of everything.
“To the world, Mallory does drops of certain prints and goes through our printing company,” Juan explained. “Her website handles it all. Any orders over sixty-five US dollars get freeshipping and we’re expanding areas. Totally normal starting up and expanding.”
“And this is more than art prints for the wall?” Onas asked.
“Yes, she has her own calendars, notepads, notebooks, binders, sketchbooks, mousepads, desk pads, stickers, and postcards,” Juan answered. He glanced down at something. “Her last drop not even two weeks ago sold out in five hours.”
“Well done,” I whispered, glancing between them. “Impressive. You’re getting a following.”
“The people helping me on all fronts are very good at it, Isabella Thorne and Queen Sasha especially,” she told me.
“Let’s make sure we extend some sort of thank-you to Sasha to print anything her family might need since we have the machines,” I told Juan. “Maybe there’s something she would want specifically for her stationary or family that isn’t a print sold.”
I was glad when people thought that a good idea.
“We have also expanded the original idea of the calendars, Your Highness,” that noble interjected. “We did do holiday cards and other cards. A few options of posters.” He frowned. “It’s been a bit confusing—humans are at least. Most are oddly prudish about the body and then seem to rush to buy items with nakedness? It’s confused many of us.”
“It confuses a lot of level-headed humans as well,” I drawled. “We all have our areas where there’s a bit of hypocrisy. Just accept that this is a human one and they have a huge spectrum of values and beliefs.” I was glad when he nodded, those of us who were used to the human world having a hard time not laughing.
“Given how free fairies are with their bodies, it’s been proposed that we also branch out into stock photos, Your Highness,” Juan told me.
We had to explain how that worked and why humans would just want pictures of shirtless men or mostly naked women.Luckily, Juan was also prepared and brought up one of the sites with pictures from a model and then showed how companies had used that picture in a media or social media ad. Or book cover. Lots of different things.
“I’m sorry, Prince Juan, but are you saying that we can help Faerie by taking these pictures?” a captain asked, gesturing to the others sitting by him. “Helpfundnew housing for other Guardians and hobgoblins?”
“Put in more rest stops and supply them with the massive amount of ingredients they go through?” another captain asked, glancing at those near her.
“Yes,” Juan answered easily. “People pay for these photos, to use them. They pay more for pictures they make money off of like on t-shirts. But if we take the pictures strategically to make them easy to change as people need, you could have cover designers buy everything available for one model. One big use we found was for book covers.
“An author could have a series of twenty-plus books and use the same model, maybe changing her hair and eyes.Orwe could do that and be ahead of the game. That is what we’re thinking would be a big draw.” He gave me a look, and I fully understood what he wanted, using glamour to change my hair to lavender and my eyes gold. “That would take a long time to do digitally.”
Hudson cleared his throat. “It’s a good look on you, Tams.”
“Thanks, beastie,” I chuckled, taking off the glamour.
“Would full nudity help?” that same captain asked, his friends nodding. “Could we get more if we showed our full bodies to the humans? We have no problem showing everything except our wings.”
“They would be popular on OnlyFans,” Izzy muttered, shrugging when I shot her a look. “Fairies are hot, Your Highness. There isn’t a single fairy who isn’t gorgeous. It’s partof your DNA, and that is not part of the human genome even if they’re all beautiful in their own way and some inside.”