I was curious for Julian’s answer though.
“Iolas. I don’t have anyone like that, and…” Julian focused on me. “Taeral will want to for your mating with Neldor. King Xavier for Hudson. Darby doesn’t have anyone, so I thought I might then and make sure no one pressures either of you or maybe we could Iolas again.”
I nodded. “Or Morgan. He’s protective and well-liked. He also really likes Darby.” I winced and glanced at Mrs. Von Thann.
That would be a problem because there was no chance I would let her husband officiate our mating after he wanted tobreed me.
I saw in her eyes that she understood that.
“Or Shael,” Julian hurried to say, knowing where our minds were. “I thought your da, but I’m going to be selfish on this because I don’t want you sad when you think of our wedding. I’m sorry.”
Because I was going to lose Lageos soon. I swallowed loudly but bobbed my head. “No, you’re right and—you’re right. Iolas as long as he promises to stay on script and no speeches.”
“Everyone isvery clearno speeches or anything of the type,” Katrina said with a chuckle. “No drunk uncles or issues or it will be the last wedding we get from you.”
“Glad people are finally learning who I am.” I wasn’t even being a shit. I was serious.
Took them long enough.
The rest was pretty damn easy. We weren’t having a wedding party so no coordinating there. No transportation or people staying places issues with using portals.
“What about food you want for British customs?” Katrina asked Julian.
“We’ll be having a wedding breakfast the next morning,” I answered firmly, nodding when Julian looked at me in shock. “I already talked to Irma about it. It’s… Your parents had one, and you talked about loving that tradition and wanting it one day. It can be smaller or—we’ll do it.”
“You’re perfect,” he whispered.
Glad he thought so because we were mated and getting married.
Monday morning I had a meeting with the Witches and Warlocks Council. Well, technically, Julian did, but I was there to make sure no one caused problems and everyone behaved as they should.
I was going as his muscle… Who had gobs of guards?
Yeah, my life was weird.
I saw something out of the corner of my eye and teleported over to Izzy in a flash. I grabbed the man who just about plowed her over and flung him into the wall. “Are you having a laugh knocking into the right hand of the ruler of Faerie and not even apologizing?”
He couldn’t seem to make his mouth work but then dipped his head. “I apologize, Your Highness, I didn’t see her.”
“Bull,” I pushed. I snickered when the people flinched. “You didn’tseesomeone you crashed into and almost knocked on her ass? Do you have some visual impairment? Or fine, you were engrossed in what you were doing, but you have nerve endings andfeltcrashing into another person, right?”
“Yes, yes, of course, I apologize.”
“Apologize toher,” I bit out when I heard the truth in his mind. I bared my teeth at him when he hesitated. “You think her some low-born witch to social climbers, but she is the right hand to the future queen of all Faerie. You are second aide to onecouncilman on one council.” I stepped closer and got in his face. “So who really has more value here?”
“At least I have better manners,” Izzy grumbled. “Yes, how horrible of me to stand by the chair I’m supposed to sit in out of the way. However will you survive your power trip and ego having to put up with that?”
“I couldn’t agree more,” I purred, smirking at the guy. “And she is IsabellaThorne. If you are too ignorant to know what that means, I suggest you ask around and get caught up. Because if you get physical with one of mine again, I will put you in the ground, you fucking bully.”
“I understand, Your Highness,” he whispered, his face completely drained of color. “I apologize, Ms. Thorne.”
“Yeah, yeah, sure, sure,” Izzy grumbled. “I agree with Katrina’s idea that we send the sexists and idiots to an island and don’t send food.”
That definitely sounded like something Katrina would suggest. It was hard not to laugh.