“I’m not being a jerk this time,” Neldor grumbled when they stared at him. “I don’t know I get a vote or—I want Tamsin herefor this vote. I don’teverwant her to worry about me doing things behind her back. She couldn’t have been clearer that was one of the things that scared her about me most after what I have done.”
“That’s fair,” Julian accepted. “And in the interest of being fair, I’m going to give you the answer this time because I have it, and clearly you—you’re just as stressed. This thing with the commanders was huge and you were upset like Tams didn’t let you in, but you weren’t acting like her team, Neldor.”
He was quiet for several moments. “Please tell me the answer.”
“You never told her it was great sex, asshat,” Darby drawled. “You just kept telling her you wanted more like she was your buddy and you were bitching the doctor told you not to use your cock. I’ve heard that from Rafe and security because they all gossip too much and you were being a spoiled prince and not discreet.”
I felt worlds better when Neldor opened his mouth to argue but then winced… A few times even.
“Why would I care if it wasn’t amazing sex?” he asked after a moment.
The four of them each threw some sort of food at him. That was hysterical.
The impressive part? He caught it all. He caught the sweet and sour whatever Lucca had in his mouth, but the rest he caught either in his hand or with his container.
I could never be that coordinated. Seriously.
“How do I fix it?” he asked after he chewed the bite.
“Do you want to?” Darby pushed. He shrugged when Neldor shot him a shit look. “People asked me the same, and even if it pissed me off, it was valid to ask. You need to say it and accept you fucked up. I wanted the issues to pass and kept trying to skipahead and made it all worse. The moment I accepted there—take the steps. Seriously. Don’t make my mistakes with this.”
Neldor opened his mouth to snap but then slowly closed it and let out a long breath. “Yes, I want to fix this. I don’t want to hurt her. I’m an idiot, spoiled prince. Please help me.”
“Didn’t your dad give you the talk about how being a prince doesn’t matter when the lights are off and you’re with a lover?” Hudson asked him, seeming curious but also confused. “My dad did, and the way you talk about your dad was that he was all about you as a person, and my dad—sometimes he focused more on me being future king, but we had… Shit.”
Neldor cleared his throat and focused on his food. “No, but given the topic, I think he knew I would have immediately asked why the hell other men were allowed in their rooms. Or demanded answers about the rumors that I was born of incest.”
“Shit, sorry,” Hudson muttered but then grinned widely, clearly up to something. “You need the talk then. I’ll call my father.”
“Wait, I know that evil look, but before you do, your family is what I want to talk about,” Lucca cut in. “Specifically, your mother.”
“We can revisit Neldor fixing this now that you both understand what’s been going on,” Julian accepted. “What has been going on?”
Lucca gave him a look that he was stupid. “Yourweddingis in a week and do you know what’s been done?”
Julian froze in his next bite. “I have my tux ready. I thought everything else was handled?”
Lucca ran his tongue over his teeth. “Howpresumptiveof you, git.”
“You said that wrong, but I approve the effort,” Darby chuckled. “Julian, even I know next to nothing has been done. Our mate wanted to elope. She’s been pushed into a corner withthis, and if Lucca’s bringing up Queen Sasha, clearly she has been pressuring to get involved. What does Tamsin do then?”
Both Hudson and Julian winced, but Julian answered. “She runs. Okay, right, got it. I knew we decided about the cake since we had the tasting and it was obvious what Tamsin wanted.”
“So nothing’s been done because my mom is being a pain?” Hudson checked.
“My mom too, so it’s not just yours,” Lucca grumbled. “But also, Stefanie was hurt while they had their guard down and were looking at dresses. Tams feels guilty about that. She makes enough decisions so time to step up.” The pointed look he gave Julian made it clear who needed to step up, and I loved the bear for doing it.
“I have some suggestions about how to incorporate some Faerie traditions if you’re open to listening,” Neldor suggested. “Little ones I think she would like.” He seemed relieved when Julian nodded. “But that won’t keep your mothers at bay. What is the plan?”
“First, let Stefanie help Tamsin pick out the dress. She was excited about that and let them finish it, show things aren’t what they were, but all isn’t just gone,” Lucca said firmly. “Let it be their cute moment like a godsmother since Tams doesn’t have a mom. Our moms were trying to help, but it’s weird for her because it’s your wedding and she’s with us.”
I was glad they all immediately agreed.
“Cara and Jordan want to have their mating ceremonies with Zack and Ray, and that’s a big deal now that they’re Tam’s aides and Zack and Ray were her guards for so long,” Lucca continued. “Let our moms help withthat, and they can have their dream everything that they could never afford. I think they were whispering about the vineyard in Spain.”
“Bloody brilliant,” Neldor praised. “Hhora knows all about that, and there are certain niceties that should be followed giventheir position. People can focus on that and Tamsin following tradition and life moving forward—all of it.”
It was a damned good idea. Seriously, it was.