Page 90 of Vibing Unity

Everyone at school was talking about how I’d pulled off a miracle to heal the little girl and had to kill my uncle in the same day. It was too crazy of giving life and taking life that were both my responsibility somehow that it blew people’s minds. I saw more than one interview where someone said they thought being a princess was cool but now changed their mind.

They preferred to be a regular person and not ever have to deal with all of that.

Yeah, I wish I could say the same most days.

Butwedidn’t let it out that I’d healed the girl. Shael basically called up the Witches and Warlocks Council and told them they shit their own bed by leaking stuff constantly and that was why we didn’t tell them things we told others. So to not bother bitching about it again.

Part of me wondered if it was Anya so we always had a leg to stand on if we kept the councils out of what we were doing. Or she knew it was going to be leaked and did it first so it went out accurately. It wouldn’t have been the first time someone had taken credit for what I’d done after all.

I could name a few of the council members that would absolutely pull the same.

Either way, the result was the same, and a mob of supes showed up at Artemis demanding I heal them.

Yeah, demanded. Like I fucking owed it to them.

No good deed really went unpunished.

“You know, you want to feel bad for them because obviously they’ve been through a lot if they have an injury no one else can heal,” Izzy grumbled at lunch. “But showing up here and treating you like their fucking HMO is just so far over the line that I can’t forgive it.”

“Yeah, kinda where I am too,” I whispered, leaning over and giving her a hug.

“Pull up the news,” someone called out right as lunch was about to wrap up.

Magical screens appeared all over the cafeteria and different news reports were pulled up. I groaned when I saw there were a ton of people at the main location of HAVEN.

“While we have reports of people going directly to her school to hassle her, others have come here to peacefully wait for any word of a list they can get on,” the reporter said as the camera panned the large group. “We’ve learned that it’s mostly parents who are asking if they can do some sort of service for the fairies if their leader can meet their injured child.”

Fuck. Just… Fuck.

I shot a glance to Edelman and he nodded, giving me permission to break the rules. I opened a portal to Shael, and after a few moments she walked through with the usual suspects. “So this is a thing, huh?”

“It is, and we’re trying to bring you suggestions on how to handle it,” she sighed.

I shrugged. “Be honest. This is a gift from the gods to help fairy wings that no one else can heal and has never been done before. I’m their leader, and that was what the gods wanted from meifthey are willing to pay the cost. Nothing is free. And I have a world of people I’m in charge of and help. I’m the final boss people can’t just run to and demand things from me.”

“The people at HAVEN are not and have been very careful not to interrupt business,” Talila clarified. “But we agree. The statement needs to be made, but we think—there are healers in Faerie who could use more training and experience. There are issues that they could possibly handle. We thought maybe like clinic days the royal healers can oversee?”

“If they want. I won’t force that, but our budget is already full, so someone better be ready to foot the bill for this instead of just expecting we give and give. It takes food to recharge—all of it. But yeah, that sounds like a great idea. Anything they really can’t heal—we can discuss my involvement and handling it.For children.”

I wouldn’t budge on that. We had fairies who couldn’t access their magic or fly, and it made everything worse for them.

Plus, I had a lot of other things going on. Maybe I could help people later or grow this ability better now that I wasn’t waking fairies all the time, but for now, that was my answer.

And anyone who had demanded anything of me could go fuck themselves.

That went without saying, but I still always did.

But yeah, there would always be some sort of drama like this in my life. I was more focused on everything with my dad. Hopefully, he would actually show at class tomorrow.

Or maybe not?

The next morning at breakfast, portals started opening all over the place and I simply sighed. Seriously, what now?

“Your Highness, Amethyst went into labor,” one of the majors reported after bowing to me. He glanced and saw several other parties. “I don’t think people knew who was coming to tell you.”

“Clearly,” I chuckled. Then what he said hit me. “Really? Isn’t that like weeks early?”

“Two, I believe, which is completely normal like humans,” he promised. “Her mate is kicking up a fuss and you were clear to immediately let you know.”