“Yeah, that’s a lot,” Darby whispered.
“I threw a fit with my dad and we’re fighting. Hudson and I went to visit Rich because clearly he’s been on my mind. But then Lucca came with this thing with his dad and so I didn’t really get to visit. Everything is just a mess, and I’m about to get too emotional because I eat more than a whole dragon army most days but even more when I’m upset.”
I wanted to groan when tears were running down my cheeks.
“Hey, hey, we’re all good as long as you’re really not mad at me,” Darby whispered. “I’m sorry I whined about being neglected when you were dealing with all of that.”
“Two things can be true at the same time,” I defended. “You’re valid to feel that, but I just hope you know it wasn’t intentional and just my super fucked day, okay?” There was more I might have said, but I felt the portal activate and a bunchof people arrive. “What now? Seriously, what fucking now? I don’t care. I don’t have anything left to give!”
“That explains why you didn’t ask what Ronald said and I still can’t wrap my mind around it nor how you could ignore it,” Sasha said as she walked into the room.
I shook my head and met her curious and frustrated gaze. “I could kill him without meaning to, Sasha. My magic is that powerful. I shatter metal. I’ve done all kinds of—I’m more powerful now. His brain could just go pop. When I’m this fucking fried and overloaded, I could kill him without meaning to.”
“I’m sorry for the day you’ve had, but I cannot think what is more important than this,” she pushed.
“I killed my uncle today, my only living Vale family.Today, that’s more important than the children I don’t even fucking have yet. Tomorrow, I can deal with that,” I snapped.
She licked her lips and nodded. “Yes, that is more important today. I apologize. Truly.”
“You’ve got a lot too,” I forgave. “I know how close you are to Lucca’s mom.”
“Yes, and she’s not doing well. The grief and—another time. Right now, I have a mess of my mate and eldest son flying for over an hour around our mountains and I have no idea how to get the idiots down or distract them from their anger.”
The sigh I let out was so heavy that the two men probably heard in their dragon forms all the way where they were. I glanced at Ara. “As much as I don’t want to reward bad behavior, I have family land they can hunt on or something, right? Can they just go catch a damn shark in Faerie or something? Please? Justpleasecan someone else use telepathy and talk to them?”
“I will handle it as your godsfather,” Iolas called in from the garage. “They can have a shark each, but they have to buy dinnerfor the fairies working to make sure our waters are repopulated. That way they don’t get the free pass.”
I sighed and looked back at Darby. Right, we were talking, but Sasha was still there.
“Tomorrow,agra. You’re too tired. Just eat and go to bed. We’re fine.”
“I’m sorry,” I whispered, covering his hand with mine. “I’m really sorry I made you worry and I’m sorry I got hurt again. I know that has to be scary for you guys to see that. I won’t ignore my magic warning me again. I swear it felt like it was just right there and I just put a toe near the line. I wouldn’t risk going over the line.”
“I know. You were just all over the place and your guilt was clear and I—I was an ass.” He leaned in and kissed my cheek.
Julian was cheeky and did the same to the other side. “I was too. You’re perfect and we’re all duffers. I’m sorry I made it—I was an ass.”
“No, I deserved to be yelled at.”
“But?” Sasha interjected.
“I just wish yelling came after I was healed. Let me finish explaining or—that’s not real life with emotions and whatnot. That’s all I hope for next time.” I glanced at her. “Are you okay?”
“I’m going to steal one of your greasy burgers, but then I will be. I just needed a breath too,” she admitted.
I gestured for her to join us and Julian grabbed her a drink. I realized there was one thing I needed to say. “Can you tell Xavier why I didn’t listen to what Ronald said? You were a bit judgy—”
“No, I didn’t judge you,” she corrected. “I’m justfrustrated, Tamsin. This shouldn’t be the way things are. I’m pissed for my friend. I adore you, and I’m tired of you dealing with all of this. I was confused why you didn’t push when you always want honesty. That was all. Please, I wasn’t judging you.”
That made more sense and I accepted it. “Still, please tell Xavier. I really can’t kill Lucca’s dad on accident. We won’t recover from that.”
“He fucking deserves it though,” she grumbled before taking a huge bite of her food.
Yeah, Ronald absolutely deserved it even before whatever he said to set people off.