I went over to his sisters and kissed each one on the head. “I won’t ever allow you to be mated to someone you don’t want to. I swear it. Lucca wouldn’t—”
“He wasn’t going to be Alpha until now,” one cut in.
“I would have over this,” Lucca said firmly from behind me. “I would have killed Dad and taken the sloth instead of ever letting either of you be sold off.”
I stepped back and saw the anger and grief warring in his eyes.
“When?” Lucca whispered. “When and what has he said?”
They shared a look and the older one answered. “He’s made it clear that it’s our duty to the family, but he would find us matches that would love us like he does Mom. Except then he pushed us to be nice to boys at our school, and when I told him one was gross and told me I was pathetic and he would only use me as a toy, Dad yelled at me for not doing better at being nice to him.”
That was disgusting beyond compare, especially since I was pretty sure she was a freshman in high school. Our world really did still have too much darkness in it.
Then again… I was sure every world always would.
“I’m sorry, cream puff,” Lucca whispered, angrily wiping tears. “I’m so sorry.”
“I don’t know what you’re sorry for or why you’re apologizing to me,” I admitted. I was suddenly in his arms and hugged him back.
“I still couldn’t see the truth and thought he was—thank you for not letting this go. As horrible as it was—you always made him crazy. You poked—it wasn’t ever your fault. I just…”
“You couldn’t understand it or explain it because Dad doesn’t believe in multiple mates and she hurt you even if you were the asshole,” his sister said for him. “Yeah, I felt the same, but then it was like after he got slapped back into place, all he focused on was the sloth and growing his power here like him not having enough was the problem. Mom not just forgiving him was—”
“Not her fault,” I cut in.
“No, she should have left him a while ago, but I’m not her and it’s their mating, so I can’t judge, and I wasn’t there for all the good years they had,” she said firmly. “It messed with Dad more.” She cleared her throat. “What happens now? Mom takes over for now?”
I let Lucca answer but confirmed for them that there would be a bunch of fairies around just in case. And Guardians, not just normal fairies, but maybe some of those too so more of my people could get used to this world.
“You are supposed to create a portal to Faerie before graduation, right?” Lucca hedged. He shrugged when I flinched. “I’m not saying right here or in my house, but… I don’t know. I’m just talking.”
Fair enough.
Lucca stayed to handle some things and promised to come over after. I warned him that I might be in bed, but he was more than welcome to crawl in with me. I was just… Wiped wasn’t a strong enough word.
Darby was pacing when I arrived which confused me. “I can’t be pushy like they are,agra. But I need consideration because of that. I deserve that too. You can’t freeze me out when we have issues or—”
“I have like two working brain cells after therangeof crazy today,” I interjected as I gave him a hug. “I’m sorry. That’s not fair, but I will give you whatever you want and yes, you deserve consideration. I just—I’m exhausted and starving to the point I don’t know that I have the energy to eat.”
He immediately made me sit down and probably opened his mouth to ask what I wanted to eat, but fairies came in carrying food. He went over to the kitchen drawer and pulled out a box of my crystals. I thanked him and let them give me a boost, putting healing runes on myself even if I wasn’t hurt.
I inhaled like four meatloaf bowls with corn, mashed potatoes, and gravy before I felt able to use my brain. I slowed down but looked over at Ara. “Can you get whatever super protein recipe from Irma and—”
“I’ll make you the chocolate peanut butter milkshakes when you’re done,” she promised.
“Oh good, someone knows.” I shook off my exhaustion and focused on Darby. “Did someone catch you up? After you got done with the school thing?”
He shook his head. “I couldn’t focus. Whatever, I know you handled it. I agree with you on this so—Tams, please, you have to forgive me. I’m sorry for how—”
Oh, that was what this was about? “I’m not mad at you, my prickly pear.” I leaned in and gave him a soft kiss. “I deserved what you guys said. We’re fine. I’m sorry I didn’t make that clear and you worried. I swear we’re okay. I was going to apologize again.”
He scooted his chair closer so our legs were touching and opened more food for me. “Lucca told us the full story and laid into us. I’ve wanted to apologize since, but you said you needed space. But the others can push in and pushyou. I can’t and—”
“I didn’t either, but you have to believe her when she says that she’s really not mad, mate,” Julian said as he walked in with more food. “I’m worried about this new shit with Von Thann. And did you go kill your uncle?”
“I also healed the little girl from the vision from the gods and it’s a bit of a mess that I’m sure people won’t let go.” I chuckled when he dropped one of the bags. “Yeah, when I say that it’s been adayand I have like two working brain cells left—nope, only one left now.”