Page 60 of Vibing Unity

“I am doing better and will keep trying. That doesn’t explain why you’re here or this conversation.”

No, no it did not.

I let out a slow breath. “Because I love your stupid son and he loves me. I think we might actually make it this time against all logic that I should have walked away given the threat you are and problems you could cause if I can’t take you out.” I crossedmy arms over my chest. “And Neldor agrees. Even if you doubt me—”

“If you ever become a real item with Prince Neldor, he will look for reasons to end my life.”

I smirked at him. “Define what you mean by ‘real item’ because people saw us kiss at the wedding.”

He swallowed loudly, understanding I was with Neldor but we were keeping it quiet. “I hear your warning loud and clear and believe.”

Sexist ass. He believed Neldor would kill him but probably not me.

Whatever, as long as he believed.

“Good, because Lucca still wants to be Alpha of your sloth, and I can’t take that away from him. Not when he wants it, and it would upset him to walk away when it’s the birthright of his future child.” I was glad when there was only shock in his eyes and not anything darker. “And since that boy or girl will probably be my child—”

“There’s never been a female bear Alpha,” he corrected.

I snorted. “You thinkmychild won’t kick all of your asses? Even as a bear? There’s no law against there being a female Alpha.”

“There are females now that are strong enough,” he said firmly, nodding when I was hesitant to accept he believed that. “I’ve met two that I know are stronger than me even if I’d never say that publicly and not just because I’m somewhat sexist.”

I accepted that. “It’s not smart with politics and posturing. Still,ifwe have a girl first, I think she’ll be fine as Lucca’s heir when her mother or older sister will be Queen of Faerie. Only those with a death wish would come for her. Or him.”

He snorted. Glad he agreed.

“I hope you stay on this path so you can be in our kids’ lives, Ronald.”

“But you’re not the trusting sort,” he muttered.

“No, I’m not. I’ve seen too many backslide, and—Ihave trouble not backsliding into bad habits and toxic mindsets. You wanted to breed me. That’s a line I don’t know you can come back from no matter how you thought it would be for the good of your world. It was also selfish and you controlling it all so…”

I wasn’t sure what else to say that hadn’t already been said.

“I’ll sign whatever you want,” he whispered. “I’ll let fairies in my head—just don’t take my grandkids from me. I’ve done so much wrong and—I love my son. I can’t—my bear would go feral if my human side messed up so bad that I can’t be a real grandfather to his children. Part of the sloth when he’s Alpha.” Tears were in his eyes which shocked me.

I ran my tongue over my teeth. “You misunderstand that there will be some form of punishment if you pull anything again, Ronald. You’re not hearing me. I won’t pull the kids from you or go no contact.”

Horror filled his eyes. He finally heard me and comprehended, swallowing loudly.

“If you try anything with my children or even talk—I don’t trust you not to even try to push for alliance matings or—any of it. Even if you think it’s normal or not a big deal, anything that’s over the line and you think you have therightto have input on more than which cute ‘greatest grandpa’ onesie to give them, I will end you.”

“There are a lot of things I learned from my grandfather when I trained with him about being an Alpha,” he hedged.

“Not alone. Not without Lucca. You can join in, but—I don’t even want youalonewith any of my children. Not ever.” I unleashed a power clap without even having to clap, so it just knocked him down instead of really hurting him. “This is not a debate. Obey or die, bear. You wanted to breed me. You won’t ever be alone with any child of mine.”

“Neldor or Julian will have a squad of fairies with every kid no matter how suffocating it will be,” Hudson said from about ten feet away, leaning against a tree. He snorted as I winced and gave him a guilty look. “Oh, shorty, this has been plaguing you since the conversation with Lucca. I agree more needed to be said, and I’ve known Alpha Von Thann longer.

“He was toxic to Lucca. There was always a better way to learn a lot, teach him what was important. And I thought he did a shit job preparing him even—you know better than anyone how toxic Lucca used to be. I’m pissed at his mom for allowing half of it. I told Neldor that I don’t want any of our kids to be alone with the Von Thanns. Ever.”

“Thanks, beastie,” I whispered.

He nodded. “Lucca is doing better and seeing more, but… It took me a while to see that he’s still the young boy wanting his father’s love and—”

“Yeah,” I agreed with a sigh. Lucca couldn’t see reality. I liked his mom too, but she’d allowed too much abuse of her children. Even if not physical it—life was complicated.

But there was a reason I was good friends with Hudson’s mom and simply friendly with Lucca’s.