“You are legally taking your maiden name again.” He took in a deep breath and let it out. “I’m breaking ties with you, Mary. You are no longer my family. You no longer have the rights or luxuries of a Craftsman, and youcertainlywill not have any of a Vale.” He snorted when rage filled her eyes and she looked like she wanted to murder me.
But he also didn’t seem to know what to say next, and I didn’t want to seem passive on this. I wanted us to be the team we were.
“I know you think me stupid and not worthy of your savant son, but I’m very street-smart and have more experience inlifethan he does, Mary. Plus, I have some of the smartest advisors in two worlds and a demigod for a father. They all made it clear you were a threat still. That we needed this break made clear and legal before I had any children.
“You will never be involved in their lives, and we agree that your toxic, sexist bile will never touch our children, no matter who their biological father is. Because he will be the father of the next heir of Faerie even if they have Neldor’s DNA. All of my mates are in agreement. And they all agree that you will not be a part of those children’s lives. It was a deal-breaker for them.
“Julian agreed. So you have no rights or claim to your son anymore. You go back to being a member of your birth family. It’s done. The Witches and Warlocks Council signed off on it. Faerie has, and you are banned from Faerie. You are a convictedcriminal who attacked the heir of Faerie. Whether in your right mind or not, you did that.
“And still have not apologized for it. Instead, you still and repeatedly blame me for everything. As such, you are being cut from our lives. This is the last time you will see either of us.Ifyou accept this and behave, you will be allowed to live out your punishment and exile in peace with everything provided for you.
“You will be guarded for your protection but also to make sure you don’t make trouble for us ever again. You try to make any more phone calls to the media or email them to…” I chuckled when she winced. “Of course we knew, Mary.
“Our magic is stronger than yours could ever be, and I am not a trusting person, especially of those who crossed me. So time to salvage what you can because Councilwoman White wants you to serve at least five years in a cell now thatIhave healed you.” I nodded when she went pale. “Julian agreed, but I thought—”
She went ballistic, fighting against Julian’s magic until she even hurt herself.
“I agreed, Mary,” he said firmly and then added magic to lock her down so she stopped. He wasn’t moved by her tears. “You showno remorse!You’re still fighting, and—you’ve never thanked her. She gave you amiracleand you hate my wife. Yes, I think you deserve prison.
“Tamsinis the one who said you never wanted her hurt, and with that much darkness to be cleansed, it wasn’t fair. So enough. We bought you a nice cottage with a lot of land and space you can have a garden. Everything will be provided for you. For now, you won’t have electronics or the internet.” He sighed and I guessed she tried to fight him again.
“You abused it when you had it here,” I reminded her. “We warned you not to start trouble. You can have books and maybeNetflix which is better than you’d get inprison. That is the other option, Mary. This or prison. Choose.”
Julian took off his magic, but Mary didn’t say anything. “Choose, Mary.”
“Your da will—” she started to say instead.
“One more word out of your mouth tries to hurt my husband and I’ll change my mind and throw you in prison,” I seethed. “Prison or the cottage, and you’ll behave. That is all you should be saying, or I will choose for you.”
She swallowed loudly before raising her hand. Julian nodded. “They say I still have treatments to receive.”
That was fair to ask. “You will receive them as long as you’re putting in the work and doing the yoga and such. The healers will still visit and check on you. You will not be cut off from everything, simply us. We are cutting the cord. After some time proving you can behave and accepting this life, you can reconnect with friends maybe.”
Julian snorted and I didn’t understand that. Did she not have any before?
Fine, she could make some?
“Choose, Mary,” Julian pushed when she didn’t reply, clearly thinking of what to say or do next. “This is my wedding night, and I want to move on with my life and live happily with my wife, my mate. And leave you in the past.”
That seemed to be the final blow to defeat her. She choked out one word before slowly sinking to her knees. “Cottage.”
Praise be the gods, and I left there determined to never see her face ever again. That was the greatest wedding present ever.
Some Days Ago…
I gave everyone the week of finals to think long and hard about what I’d declared. And I blew through my exams.
I was way beyond what my dad had planned for my power training given the extra jumps I’d had. I’d changed up what he’d been planning for New Magical Development II. I actually did what he wanted for the final and added something of my own.
I used the magic he’d taught me and turned it into a locator. Now any fairy could go to an area and use the compass thingy I’d invented and it would lead them right to the nearest fae dog. No more of them being lost.
“You are a miracle, Daughter,” he praised as he tested it out and we found a stray in Alaska. “Truly worthy of being the granddaughter of the gods.” He kissed my hair, and we coaxed the beaten down fae dog to safety.
I coasted through the restandthere was now a class at Artemis that I’d wanted, History of Councils. So I took it all as a win.
A huge fucking win.