Page 3 of Vibing Unity

So we were oil and water… But what we had in common was so much more. Thevisionwe had together for the future was what made us better together, not just our relationship or what we could be to each other.

We laughed over budgets and joked about blueprints being too complicated.

We soared over the world and saw magic in everything around us.

We stuffed ourselves silly to overgrow forests so animals had food and wanted to breed.

We were the ultimate bottomless pits and so competitive that it was ridiculous, but we were always healthy about it.

We were a perfect match and better together like the song said.

Which was why I lost my mind and kissed him in front of everyone. Most there knew about the earthquake thing and that something happened between us, but some didn’t.

Oh well, they’d learn to keep a secret. It was a soft kiss but enough to make people whisper.

“Why did you do that?” he breathed, shock in his eyes.

“Because it hurts you when people talk about you being my baby daddy, and that will come up now that I’ve married Julian. Let them see that I won’t ever disrespect you like that and to give us space to find our own way.”

“Thank you, Tams.” He gave me a soft kiss and the song ended.

“This is why I didn’t want to go last,” Hudson chuffed as he took my hand and spun me. “I knew one of them would be a tough act to follow.”

“Lift me and spin me, beastie,” I chuckled, smiling when he did. I peppered his face with kisses as he lowered me down.

Immediately, I recognized the song but was confused when no one was singing. Then it hit me and I started singing.

It was Taylor Swift’s “Lover,” and since Hudson was a closet Swiftie, I hadn’t been surprised by the choice. We both loved her but yeah, he liked when I sang for him even better than Taylor.

I thought that might be sacrilegious, but the dragon loved me, so he was biased.

Plus, now he got me to sing to him instead of how everyone else was dedicating songs to me. Sneaky dragon. Seriously.

He smirked at me, clearly knowing what I’d figured out. I couldn’t be mad though since it was just perfect.

For a celebration that I didn’t want or expect to be perfect, it was turning out that way.

Actually, all of it was. The food was great and calm. The cake was beyond delicious, and no one pulled anything. Julian and Ibothhated the tradition of smashing cake in each other’s faces.

There wasn’tany dramaand only fun.

Well, there was one bit of drama after the party was done, but it was at my insistence. I wanted to put something big behind us before we moved on in our lives as a married couple, especially to the supe world since we were going to announce it tomorrow and that we were on our honeymoon.

“I love you,” he whispered after we stepped through the portal and he’d opened another one to where we needed to go.

“I love you too. I’m okay. Ready to be relieved,” I promised. I wanted to be subtle but clear this needed to happen.

He heard me loud and clear and went through first, pulling me after him. Our security was already there on the other side.

And Mary Craftsman was pacing in the sitting room having been notified that we were coming.Horrorfilled her face when she saw what I was wearing… But then it turned to something greedy.

Julian squeezed my hand to let me know he saw it as well. “You say one thing to my wife and I will give Councilwoman White the okay to lock you up. That is what she and the elders want after you attacked the future Queen of Faerie to make it clear there is no bad blood between our species.”

She opened her mouth but couldn’t talk, shooting me a nasty look.

“I did it, Mum,” Julian whispered sadly. “How pathetic is it that you couldn’t even do this for me on the happiest day of my life? I knew I couldn’ttrust youto give me even this and you would try to ruin my wedding day. I’m furious I even haveto include this and see you on our special day. Da will be so ashamed of you.

“He will be distraught that you weren’t there or involved because of what you have done and I didn’t have my family at myweddingbecause of how you behaved.” He raised our joined hands to his lips. “She is my family now.” He nodded when Mary crossed her arms over her chest. “I’ve filed everything with the elders, and you are no longer a Craftsman.