For me. I nodded and ate more pizza.
“So as I said, you’ve ruined nothing, Tamsin,” Iolas said gently. “This is a million dollars right here for Faerie. You’ve already grown to making three and four-carat stones.”
“Only a million?” I whispered, disappointed in myself that I only did that and was in this condition. What was going on with me?
Hudson chuffed and stood with me, telling me to be quiet when I objected. He brought me back to the dining room I’d been working in and my gaze immediately locked onto the huge table… Half of it covered in diamonds.
“Okay, maybe I didn’t fail and I’m not weak,” I blinked.
Shael burst out laughing from the floor. She stood when I glanced at her. “Look in thecornersof this room, Tamsin!”
I did and felt lightheaded. Just the corner nearest to us was comically loaded with diamonds that the captains were trying to clean up. Shael and Onas were working on another corner.
Dalyor stood from the other corner with what looked like a large bath towel loaded with something. “This is like fifty pounds.”
Darby pulled out his phone. “Turning that into carats, and Iolas said each stone was about four carats that’s just over twenty-eight thousand stones,agra.”
“And they’re worth maybe ten grand each?” I whispered, blinking at the ridiculously overloaded towel.
“Even if you say eight grand for bulk discount or making deals with others, that’s almost two hundred and twenty-seven million,” he whispered, blinking at his phone before staring around the room.
“You just funded a lot more than a rest stop, Your Highness,” Dalyor said gently.
“Yeah, but they can’t all go on the market at once,” I hedged, tapping Hudson’s arm to get me out of there. I was glad when he understood and brought me back to the kitchen.
Iolas gave me a soft smile. “No, not all at once. We’ll do some here and there, but that’ssecurityfor the future of Faerie. I still have some of the smaller diamonds to sell and those are easier to off-load, so I will start making other deals. We just started this. You can learn to do bigger and maybe without such clarity. Or colored diamonds sell well.”
“Going through someone else is stupid when you could just sell these,” Agis complained as he set a damn pillowcase on the table.
“No, that would be stupid because companies have to beinspectedlike organic farms for their certification,” Iolas said, his voice cold. “Their machines tested and certified.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “How would you like our machine making these to be tested, Captain?”
“Right, sorry, still in shock,” he mumbled, dipping his head to me as well.
I felt myself after another pizza, trying not to be embarrassed for crying and acting like I did. Also, that I hadn’t seemed to retain anything. I knew Onas had been upset about diamonds everywhere and then was shocked.
Magic really was so weird sometimes.
Neldor came in through a portal loaded with bakery boxes and Kerym right after him. He sat the first bag with two right in front of me. “These are croffles—croissant waffles that are stuffed and topped. They’re a new trend in South Korea.”
“Which is open and lively given the time difference,” Julian muttered. “Well done. I was confused why you immediately left with Morgan.”
“Sorry, Nel,” I mumbled as I touched the box.
He leaned in and cupped my face. “Baby doll, please stop apologizing.I’m sorrythat I’m not strong enough to help you.Thank youfor doing so much for Faerie. You’re a miracle, and this—this is a huge future for our planet. You’ll get it when you fuel up. We can reschedule tomorrow. Let’s push it back a few hours and you can get your dress first.”
“Yes, good,” Shael agreed. “That’s—we’ll start alerting people that we were working with the princess magically and it went a bit far with her latest power jump, so she’s having an easy morning and will come wake fairies at lunch.”
“Sorry,” I mumbled again.
“Stop apologizing, Your Highness. This is nothing and more than worth the miracle you performed.”
I was glad people felt that way… And apparently, I wasn’t fully back to myself.
But I was after having my croffle. I blinked at it and couldn’t get over what I was tasting. It was like taking the best parts of morning carbs, stuffing it with filling, and just going crazy.
I fucking loved it.
I blinked and two were just gone. I completely inhaled them with moaning and butt wiggling. I went to move to my own chair when I realized how that was teasing Hudson, but he hugged me to him.