One of them said for me to orgasm and I did, screaming my head off as I did. I blacked out for a little bit or at least lost time because I was still crying and sniffling as they held me together. I was plastered to Julian’s front and Darby’s body was molded behind me.
“We went too far,” Julian mumbled. “Sorry, my sweet mate. It’s just—you are so responsive and it’s addictive. We love making it too good for you. You know that, right?” He kissed my hair when I nodded. “What do you want now?”
“Sweet. She wants sweet now, right,agra?” Darby answered, not making me say it. He kissed my shoulder when I nodded again. “Like this? Do you want me to have you like this?”
Yes, yes, I did.
He pushed inside of me while I was on my side and plastered against Julian. I whimpered at how good it felt, and apparently my body was still going nuts because Darby couldn’t hold out long, telling me to finish fast as he did.
I heard Julian swear under his breath in worry that they pushed me too hard before I passed out.
I woke in a dream that I knew was right then, stepping out of Darby’s view. He cleaned me up and asked Julian what else was going on that I was so tired and stressed.
Julian snorted. “You mean besides the list of shit in her life? Her laying down the final line with the commanders and the changes she wanted?”
“Yeah, I get it,” Darby cut in. “I mean whatever happened today that upset her.”
“We’ll get to that since they just arrived,” Julian muttered, glancing towards where the portal was. “Wash her up and tuck her in, okay?”
“Hey, wait for me. We all need to be on the same page,” Darby argued.
I was glad when Julian agreed. Darby was gentle with me and then kissed my forehead, thanking me for being perfect and ever giving a duffer like him another chance.
He walked out into the great room and thanked Lucca when he handed Darby some of the reheated Chinese food.
“I know you want to talk to Tams about this, but we all need to start understanding that we have to accept conversations like this,” Julian said after people had food and were quietly eating. “She’s under too much stress, and this is a way we can help. I know it’s not what we always want from our romantic relationship, but she is worth it.”
They all agreed, but Neldor seemed to hold out, sighing when they all stared at him. “Yes, fine, okay, whatever, and tell me what the fuck I did wrong so I can fix it.” He swore and threw down his spring roll. “I really am a spoiled prince like Taeral said.” He gave Julian a broken look. “What did I do wrong?”
Julian sighed. “I can’t even be a git and tease you now like you fucking deserve. Maybe later.” He waved off Neldor whenthe fairy growled. “You had a false start with our mate and then drama when you finally had great sex. Your first real sex. How have you handled the situation since?”
He blinked at Julian. “I’ve made it clear that it was the best sex ever in the history of sex and I want more. Immediately. Annoyed we couldn’t have more and constantly.”
Hudson snorted. “I heard the annoyed part. A lot. I heard Tams try to talk to you about maybe not assuming she was just there as you wanted now that you had her. She was a bit short, and she only gets like that after she tries to talk about something first and I’ve fucked up. So you didn’t listen to something she said.”
“Exactly what she said,” Julian confirmed. He very accurately repeated what I told him and got across my feelings precisely as I was feeling.
Wow, hereallywas doing well from therapy and taking it seriously—putting in the work. I needed to thank him for that again. It was helping me more than only our relationship which was really amazing.
He was.
Neldor seemed at a loss for several minutes, trying to talk but then giving up and focusing on his food as he seemed lost in his thoughts.
Hudson cut Julian off before the warlock could even say anything. “I shouldn’t be inviting anyone to our intimate times after what happened. It might be over a year later, but it’s still sensitive to her. I put enough together after and what made her pull away.”
“Yes, that was precisely what upset her,” Julian confirmed. “You should know that she felt like she was making it a bigger deal or was a bitchy woman bringing up old fights or issues. That’s why she wanted to talk it out first and try not tomake things worse. She wanted you because you were a good teammate and she felt closer to you.
“And you turned and handed her over to Neldor. It was like reopening the wound for her, Hudson. She doesn’t understand that’s what it is and that’s life or even healthy. She’s not lingering on finished issues—nothing is ever really finished. Issues aren’t linear.” He sighed. “No, my therapist described it as injuries like humans have.
“Our magic heals too much and it’s done. That’s how Tamsin sees issues should be and it’s not that simple. Injuries can have lasting effects. You see it in movies that humans have knee aches when it rains or neck pain from not treating their bodies better. Those are the issues we have at times. Scars that don’t just go away.”
“You’re right,” Hudson accepted. “She sees it as being a vindictive woman who brings up past problems that don’t upset them anymore and uses them as a weapon. That’s toxic and about revenge or not taking responsibility. That’s not what Tams does, and I’mgladshe has…”
“You want to say grown, but that makes her sound childish,” Darby muttered. “But we all grow.” He snorted. “Shit, I’m jealous how much you both have grown. Therapy—I’m in. Seriously, you both sound so damn healthy and I still…” He shook his head. “This is about Tams. Yes, she has grown and it’s taken a lot for her. I agree we need to make it easier on her.”
“On that note, I want to discuss another topic after this is all handled,” Lucca said. “And I think we need these meetings even if there’s not problems. We are on her team and support her. We need to start acting like that since we’re all on the team now. Even if not publicly.”
“Agreed,” everyone but Neldor said.