For this attempt, I sprawled on top her bed, one arm up, so she could ‘see’ where she was aiming.

It didn’t help that she was incredibly close to me though—leaning forward, and repetitively moving her head, maybe to refocus her version of computer-based vision, I wasn’t sure—all I knew was that every time she twitched her hair brushed my extraordinarily erect penis.

It wasn’t even worth trying to hide it.

She moved, my dick bounced against her ear, and I bit back a moan. “Just ignore him,” I told her.

She looked up at me. “It’s kind of hard.”

“That’s what she said,” I muttered.

She groaned. “I’m holding a needle,” she complained, making another stitch. “Don’t make me laugh.”

“Fine, fine.”

“It’s bad enough I feel like I’m about to be attacked by an alligator,” she said, waving her free hand toward it.

“How do you think that I feel?” I told her, and she snorted at that. Then she brought her fingers together to tie off the sutures—and bowed down to snip the thread with her teeth.

It was so unexpectedly animalistic—and her mouth so close to my skin—that my dick, already achingly taut, somehow found more blood from somewhere else to furiously pump in.

“Finished,” she said, sitting up on her heels, and leaning over to put the needle safely on her nightstand.

I couldn’t imagine leaving her side. Not after seeing her in danger earlier today—or watching—and feeling!—the way she’d just carefully taken care of me.

“Do we have to be?” I asked her, my voice low and quiet. She licked her lips, and then made a thoughtful sound.

“How exactly do you see this thing working?” she asked.

I managed not to say everything that flew into my mind.I mean, preferably, we date for awhile, have fun, then get married, I knock you up, and we spend the rest of our lives chasing little Picassos.

“You’re at least twice as big as the biggest person I’d ever had in me.”

“Ohhhhhh,” I said, rocking back, realizing that instead of thinking about our future together, the woman I loved had been doing dick-math.

I could still work with that, however.

“I know I’m big—in all dimensions. But, that doesn’t mean I’m clumsy?—”

“I didn’t mean that at all?—”

“Let me go on. You’re not the first girl I’ve had this conversation with, you know?”

“But the first human?” she checked again, like it mattered to her.

“Yeah. For sure.” I pushed myself up on both my elbows. “Although I’m afraid the easiest way to do this thing, while we’re still figuring it out, isn’t terribly exciting.”

Satin tittered, and covered her mouth with her hand. “I’m about to get fucked by someone with a dick almost as long as my arm, Ace. If that doesn’t qualify, I don’t know what would.”

I snorted. “Yeah, yeah, okay,” I said, pushing myself all the way up. “First, let’s get you out of this thing,” I said, putting my hands on the tie of her shirt. It still had my bloodstain on it—but she could wearmyDNAanytime. I undid it, and then carefully tugged it off of her.

“These next,” I said, reaching for her pants. Her hands met mine and helped me, but I wouldn’t let her push mine back—now that I had permission, I wanted to feel her skin.

She rose up on her knees, sliding down her pants, while my mouth reached for her breast, and my hands groped her ass.

She purred a little, rocking into me. “That’s nice,” she said.