Me:Jeeeeeeeeeeeez. I don’t get why you won’t just give me an idea about what you want. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. Something fun, something light, something silly. That’s all.

My Secret Santa:Fine. Get me a reindeer hat with big obnoxious antlers covered in fairy lights and a T-shirt to match. There can be a caption on the shirt. Something like “The Happiest Grinch Ever” might suit me. Happy now?

Me:I think “The World’s Biggest Douche” might suit you better, stranger.

My Secret Santa:Some might think that’s an HR-worthy comment.

Me:I was only kidding,I type quickly.I didn’t mean any offense.

My Secret Santa:Relax. I’m not the type to go running to HR about innocent jokes. Are you ready to tell me who you are?

Me:What? No way! That’s against the rules.

My Secret Santa:Are you always such a goody-goody?

Me:It’s not about being a “goody-goody.” The whole point of this is to keep our identities secret.Let me know when you can be serious about your gift idea.

I try to get on with some work, but I check my phone far more often than usual. There’s something fun about texting this person. I don’t even know if they’re a man or a woman or know anything about them, but it’s almost like—Well, it’s like flirting, okay?

I know that’s silly. It’s not like I think it’s going to go anywhere. I’m focused on my career. I’ve never started or ended a relationship, but I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t fun.

That’s a two-way street,my Secret Santa replies.What do you want?

Me:I’m easygoing. Scented candles, a voucher for a clothes store, maybe something creative to do with photography …

My Secret Santa:So you’re a woman, then.

Me:Easy there. Are you taking this in a non-HR-appropriate area?

My Secret Santa:No, but you are clearly a woman.

Me:That’s very old-fashioned thinking. Since you’re so obsessed, can I assume you’re a man?

My Secret Santa:Yes, Miss Goody Two-shoes, I’m a man.

I smile. This is easier than talking to a man could ever be. I don’t have to worry about staring at his ripped body, gazing at the steam rising off his massive, sculpted chest muscles. I don’t have to beat myself up because he’s my brother’s best friend.

The best part? I know this isn’t going to go anywhere. It’s innocent. It’s fun.

Me:I’m a woman, but that’s all you’ll get out of me.

My Secret Santa:I can’t believe you broke a rule, Miss Goody Two-shoes. I’m shocked.

Me:It’s the last one I’ll break, Grinch.

My Secret Santa:I’ll try to find you some scented candles worthy of such a seemingly angelic person.

My smile widens when I read his last text.



Idrum my fingers on the desk.

Who is this woman?

Texting her feels uncomplicated, easier than talking to any woman ever has. The effortless banter makes me smile far more than anything with Mia did. That was a complicated mess. The other Mia—on my team—has been looking at me today, sneaking glances. Yet, I’m not attracted to her.