“Maybe you two should do some more sneaking around. I kind of like all this praise.”

All three of us laugh, the sadness and the pain melting away.



“Ithink it’s romantic,” Jennifer says. When Holly’s mom smiles, I recognize her daughter in her. “Don’t you, Robert?”

“You’re going to do right by my girl, aren’t you, Asher?” Robert says.

“Yes, sir,” I tell him. “There’s nothing I want more in this world.”

They exchange a look. Robert smiles. It’s the day before Christmas Eve. “Then you have my blessing.”

I cheer, punching the air. They laugh. I can’t help it. There’s too much love in me, too much relief. I’ve gone from thinking disaster will strike to happiness, coloring every moment instead.

Other patrons in the cafe turn and look at me, but I don’t care.

“Thank you, sir, Mrs. Harper. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.”

Management:Happy holidays, everybody. As many of you know, we are hosting a special Secret Santa gift exchange this Christmas Eve. For those who have already exchanged gifts due to prior arrangements, please feel free to ignore this message. For those attending the office get-together, we look forward to seeing you.

“Not much of a secret for us, huh?” my Snowflake says Christmas Eve morning, the sheets wrapped around her naked body, making me salivate even after we just made love. She drops her phone on the side table.

I kiss her on the cheek. “There might be some surprises in store yet.”

“Why do I feel like you’re hiding something?” she says.

“Isn’t that our specialty?” I counter.

“I’m just glad everything seems to be going well: Mom, Dad, Dan. I thought they’d all be so against us. Last night, Mom said I was lucky I found a man who loves me as much as you do.”

“I’m the lucky one,” I tell her. “You’re one in a trillion.”

She laughs adorably. We’ve been sillier and more carefree now. We don’t have to sneak around. “Why so high?”

“If I said one in a million, that would still mean there were eight people like you on the planet. That’s way too many. A billion? That would mean there are eight. Still too many? A trillion? Thatgets my point across. It means you’re utterly unique, my perfect Snowflake.”

“You’re so romantic,” she says dreamily, leaning in for a kiss.

We almost get carried away in bed, but then I spring up. “We need to get ready.”

“Somebody’s excited to find out who their Secret Santa is.”

Covering my eyes with one hand, I tear the sheets away with the other. “Quick, Snowflake, get dressed before I lose it.”

“Maybe I like having that power over you.”

“Be good.”

She laughs. We get dressed. Then I hold her hand and walk to the elevator with her. It’s so perfect not to have to hide, to feel guilty, to live with the weight of betrayal bearing down on us. It’s so perfect to be together.

“At least Derek won’t be there,” she mutters in the car.

I smile over at my woman. She’s wearing a Christman-tree-themed dress, green with felt baubles attached to it. She looks beautiful. The fabric hugs her figure, her hair resting on her shoulders in soft waves.

“Do you think we should feel bad he’s spending Christmas in jail?”