I slide my thumb across the screen and press the speakerphone icon.
“Asher?” she says, her voice full of heartbreaking hope.
“Hey, Mom,” Asher replies. To his credit, he tries to sound upbeat—a difficult feat for him.
“You’re going to think I’ve gone completely nuts. My local church is having a toy drive and is looking for a Santa. We already have an outfit. The previous Santa was around your height. I know you keep in shape, but we have pillows to fill you out. What do you think?”
Asher looks at me in disbelief. He mouths,Santa?
I grin and pinch his arm, nodding vigorously. Any bad vibes vanish at the notion of Asher Mitchell dressing up in a Santa costume. He shakes his head. I nod.
“Asher?” Brianna says.
“I don’t know, Mom …”
“Oh, okay.”
I quickly pressmute. “Asher, come on. This obviously means a lot to her.”
“You just want to see me all in red, looking like an ass.”
“Think of the kids, then. Think of the toys.”
He groans. “Unmute the phone.” I click the button. “Mom, I’ll do it, but I have one condition.”
“Oh, sure.” She brightens up. “What is it?”
“You remember Holly?”
“Yes, what a lovely girl.”
“She’s got an elf costume, and she’s been talking about wanting to put it to use. If I do this, can I bring her along as one of my little helpers?”
“That’s an excellent idea. The more the merrier! Should I text you the details?” she says excitedly.
“Sounds good.”
“Love you, Asher.”
Asher swallows. “Love you, Mom.”
She hangs up. I slap Asher playfully on the arm.
“You absolute jerk.Thatwasn’t part of the plan.”
“If I’m going to look like an ass, Snowflake, you’re going to join me. I kind of like the idea of seeing you in Christmas stockings …”
“One week until the big day, sir,” Mia says, lingering at my office door.
She’s still looking at me in that uncomfortable way. We haven’t mentioned the run-in we had at the bar.
“Not long now,” I say neutrally. “Do you have the latest reports?”
“Yes, sir. Here they are.”