The festival is not what I expected. It’s in a park in downtown Estes Park. There are tents set up, serving alcohol, food and local craft items. At the front is a decent sized stage where musicians from all over Colorado are doing sets. The crowds are dancing and cheering.
I watch the members of BreakNeck being recognized, posing for pictures with people. They’re not mobbed, like Jordan said. Their bodyguards stick close, but they’re enjoying the festival too, and don’t seem all that concerned.
I’ve been approached, more so than the rest of the band. I know what’s brought that on. I’ve been trying not to let it show. Adrestia deserves better than that. She knows I’m pissed to hell about Riley.
I never thought she would stoop this low, a tell-all interview about our relationship?
That shit is messed up. Part of me wants to try to talk to her, to ask her why she’s doing it. What does she hope to achieve? Any relationship with the band members is dead and buried after she walked out on us.
I’m angry she is going to paint us in a terrible light. The worst part is, she is probably doing it so she can plug her own work. Her new album with Dearborn Records.
I'm still stunned she chose to walk away for her own record deal. With a guy who is renowned for starting businesses, then ditching them if they fail. He can afford to take the loss. Where will Riley end up? Is it even my problem to care anymore?
Adrestia seeks me out at a table on the outskirts of the park. My huge pint of pale ale and brat are barely touched. She has a pint of her own and sits down beside me, taking a huge gulp, leaving a foam mustache on her top lip. I use my finger to brush it away, then lick it off the tip and she gives me a smile.
“Apollo will be so jealous. He would love it here. I’ve taken so many pictures to show him.”
I run my finger down her cheek, glad she’s happy.
Her lips turn down in a frown as she sets her glass down and twists to face me. “She isn’t worth it.”
I blow out a heavy breath. “I know. Up here, I know,” I tap my head.
“And here,” she puts her hand on my chest.
“I’m pissed,” I say. “I’m… I don’t know… We don’t need to talk about her. She doesn’t matter. I don’t want her being a part of this weekend.”
“Sometimes, it’s best to get things off your chest. I was watching you last night, Nash. Your heart wasn’t in it, and you’ve been sitting by yourself. I’m a little worried about that.”
“Don’t be,” I take her hand. “We’re solid babe.”
“I know that.” She frowns. “I’m not jealous. I’m concerned. I don’t want you to feel to blame. I see what you are doing, brooding over here, blaming yourself. Worried about the band.”
It amazes me how she can see right through me. She’s so smart, so different from anyone I’ve met before. Sometimes, I wonder what the fuck she’s doing with a guy like me. Riley was always more my ‘perfect match’.
“I’m good. Honestly.”
She stares at me, her green eyes intense and knowing. I think she may know me better than Riley ever did. We had been friends since childhood, lovers from the moment we knew what that meant. Before Adrestia and a couple of groupies, she was the only girl I’d slept with.
“Promise me something.” Adrestia rests her elbow on the table and props her chin up, holding my hand.
“Sure,” I say, giving her a lazy smile.
“You won’t let what she says define or overtake you. You’re so much better than that.”
“Glad you think so,” I say, brushing some of her thick, dark hair behind her ear.
“You’re often led by your emotions, and that is not a bad thing. It’s something I admire, but you need to accept there are certain things you cannot affect. People are their own entities, with their own ideals. We can’t control that. No one can.
“Her choice is to lash out at you, all of you. She felt no one had her back. Without acknowledging the problem stemmed from her own actions.”
“I love it when you talk like that,” I laugh. “It’s almost like you’re insulting me, but not.”
“I would never insult you,” she cocks her head. “You’re intelligent, talented, beautiful,” she smiles. “You can have it all. You can be on BreakNeck’s level one day because you have worked hard for it. One insignificant interview will not break you, or the band. You won’t allow it, but you have to learn to share that.
“Dylan, Ciro, Jack and Alessa are all on your side. Whatever you decide to do about the interview. Whether you fight back, ignore her or legally challenge whatever she has to say. You will do it together. Don’t shut them out.”
I glance down at my beer. She’s right. Everything she is saying is true. I need to snap out of this. Not just for her and the band, but for my own mental well-being.