Page 4 of Perfect Storm

It is only a few weeks into the fall semester. I believe you start as you mean to go on, and this is a junior class. These students are well versed in college life, I don’t want them slipping now, so I will send them an email offering help and see where we can fix any issues.

Getting tenure last year was a dream come true for me. It isn’t about job security. I love teaching, and I love my students. When I don’t have a raging hangover. I glance at my watch, wondering if I have time to slip out for a coffee. That isn’t very professional of me when I’ve already entered the classroom. So I grit my teeth and bear it.

As the classroom fills and the noise level increases, I regret that decision. I hear the buzz of my phone from my satchel, but ignore it. I have a strict ‘no cell phone during class’ rule for my students, so I won’t break it.

As everyone settles into place, I give the lone guy at the front a quick look. He hunches his shoulders at being caught and puts his phone away.

I welcome everyone, reminding them to check their assignments, and my office hours are available on thedepartment website. A few of them groan, suspecting they will be needing appointments.

Fortunately for all of us, this is only a one-hour class, and for me a half hour break between this and the next one. It goes over quickly, and I manage to maintain my composure.

The lone guy from earlier hangs around until everyone has gone. He heads over, making me pause in collecting up my things. Another class is using the room directly after me so we can’t hang around in here. I hate to turn anyone away, especially if they need my help.

“Hey Professor Kouris,” he says, brushing his hair behind his ear.

I haven’t got to know everyone yet, although his name comes back to me and I know he got a C minus.

“Mr. Caldicott?”

“Yeah, er…Joe. Caldicott. Right.”

“Joe,” I give him a quick smile, hoping to put him at ease. I’m not an ogre. “I’m in a bit of a hurry. Is this urgent, or can we book office time?”

“Ah, it’s not urgent. No, it can wait. I just wanted to ask about my progress in this class.”

This is office hours work, but he seems anxious.

“Why don’t you walk out with me? There is another class coming here shortly.”

As if to prove that point, a few students start wandering in.

We head out into the busy hallway. I need that coffee, and some food.

I left Nash in bed after he woke me up to tell me to turn off the damn alarm. He kissed me before I got up, asking if I had a good night. He practically fell back asleep as I was talking.

He and Dylan went out last night, and he got home late.

He didn’t know I’d only been in twenty minutes before him. Not that he would mind. He likes and gets on well with Apollo now and knows he can trust me in his care.

We have been living together for six months and so far, it’s going well. I’m happy even though life has its difficulties.

Nash is a passionate, creative personality. Sometimes we have differing opinions on things, but we don’t argue about it. I’m not an arguer. I’ve always been a rational thinker. Arguing is a waste of time.

Sometimes, Nash gets pissy, but he’s never cruel. And he never takes his moods out on me.

Things are on the up for Red Alert. Especially after a few rocky months and some discontent in the band. Nash’s childhood sweetheart, Riley was a part of the band. After she cheated on him, things got difficult for everyone because the break-up wasn’t amicable, but he stuck it out for the sake of the band.

Then a few months ago, she up and quit. No one thought she would do it, but it happened. Everyone should be happy but there is still some discontent. Riley has a large fan base, and they blame her leaving on her split from Nash, even though they haven’t been together for well over a year.

Nash doesn’t love her anymore. I know that to my core. I’m not threatened by what they had in the past.

When she started trying to worm her way back in, I took a stand. Nash is mine. I love him. I’d fight for him until the end of time.

Reading things in the press about their relationship is more irritating than upsetting, if only because I see how it’s hurting Nash.

He never lets me doubt how much he loves me. Moving in was the right step for us.

My mama adores him. He was there through everything with my sister, despite his own issues.