We don’t have issues in that department. Sometimes, she only needs to look at me and I’m hard as steel. Even when we’re out with friends and family. It’s an issue.
After I’ve fucked her till she can barely stand, I make breakfast while she gets ready for work. We eat together at the counter in the kitchen rather than using the dining table.
I’ve not got much on today. I’m going to hit the gym with Arch. Then we will end up pouring over the music I wrote last night, putting lyrics to it.
It’s been a while since our last album. After our tenth anniversary World Tour, we took a well-deserved break. Bianca is on our asses about getting back in the studio to keep ‘relevant.’ I suppose she’s right. There are tons of amazing bands hitting the scene. Although we have a loyal following, it could hurt us if we sit on our asses too long.
Jenna gets up and leans back a little, holding her lower back.
“You okay?” I get up.
“I’m fine, stop fussing,” she straightens her blouse. “Millions of pregnant women deal with this every day. It’s just a little backache.”
I hold my tongue, even though I want her to stay off work. This dad-to-be thing is terrifying. I’m nervous every time she is out of my sight, and I really don’t want her to be in pain. Fuck knows how I will cope when she is giving birth.
“Remind Arch I need those dates for Brooke’s birthday. She still won’t tell me when she’s free, and she isn’t getting away with not celebrating this year.”
“Jen, she’s turning thirty. She doesn’t want reminding of that.”
“It’s a huge deal, and she is not hiding from it. Besides,” she says, stepping into her shoes. “Brooke may talk and act like she doesn’t want it. I guarantee you, if we ignore it and do nothing like she keeps asking, she’ll pout for months. No one likes a pouting Brooke.”
That is true. I like Brooke and I love that she’s with Arch, they’re happy together. But she can damn well hold a grudge, and her arguing skills are beyond anyone I’ve ever met. Suppose that is her lawyer side. When Brooke is ticked off, she lets you know.
Brooke will be pissed I know Jenna is pregnant before her. She is big on the whole best friend’s thing, often quoting ‘sisters before misters.’ Although she’s mellowed a lot since hooking up with Arch. Being so protective of Jenna is great. Until she turns into a bitch.
I’ll argue till my dying breath the first person to find out their wife is pregnant should be the husband. I’m looking forward to gloating.
“Sure, I’ll tell him.”
“Okay, good. Oh, I promised Keira we’d go see her tomorrow too.”
I groan. I just want to hang out alone, seems like we’re always doing something or seeing someone.
“Hey, Jake misses you, plus she wants to introduce us to someone.”
The smile at the thought of my nephew falls off my face. “What?”
Jenna laughs at me. “She’s entitled to a life, Adam.”
“Not until I’ve vetted him.”
“Will you stop? She’s a grown woman, capable of deciding who to date.”
I growl. My sister had it tough with Jake’s dad and I’m protective of them. I don’t want some asshole coming into their lives, causing shit, then leaving and upsetting them both.
“He could just be after her because he knows we’re related.”
“Big head much,” she drawls. “The world doesn’t revolve around you.”
“That’s not what I mean.” I narrow my eyes. “You know, people pull all sorts of shit to get close to me and the band.”
“She wouldn’t introduce us to him if it wasn’t serious, Adam. Which means she’s happy with him and if he’s met Jake already, that says a lot about the guy. So it’s even more important tobe nice,” she emphasizes the words.
“Why didn’t she tell me she was dating some asshole?”
Jenna just looks at me. I huff and she shakes her head. “Reserve calling him an asshole until after you’ve met him.”
“He’s still an asshole,” I mumble.