Page 3 of Always Heated

Cass wraps her arms tightly around my waist, cheek pressedto my chest. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped at you. I’m just…”

“You’re just what?” I lean back to look at her, moonlight casting shadows on both of our faces.

“Sad. Lonely,” she admits. It wasn’t an answer I would’ve guessed. Cass is strong, beautiful, and fucking brilliant. There’s absolutely no reason she should be lonely. Then again, even with the guys at the station, my family, and the women who come in and out of my bed like a turn style, I’m lonely, too.

“You can yell at me anytime,” I offer. “I’ll probably deserve it.”

Silence lingers between us like a thick fog and every part of me is holding back the urge to slide my hand into her hair and kiss her. Cass pulls back, her eyes searching mine as she opens and closes her mouth a few times, as if starting to say something but thinking better of it. Finally, she settles on her words and with a shaky voice asks, “Would you stay tonight?”

“Depends. Am I sleeping on the couch, or with you?” I’m not a small man at six-four, I doubt I’d fit on what’s barely a step above a loveseat.

“You can stay with me, but I should warn you, I sleep naked.”

A smirk tugs at her lips, and no matter how fucking wrong it is to do it, I close the distance and kiss her. It’s not the fevered kiss of two horny people about to get naked and fuck for a few hours, this is… Fuck, it’s tender, cautious. She tastes sour and sweet, like the cherries from her drink, and I can’t get enough. I cup her face and angle her to deepen the kiss, licking and teasing until she whimpers into my mouth. For something that’s so wrong, it sure as hell feels right. I’ve always wanted Cass, and now that her lips are on mine, I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop.

Except, I have to. We can’t do this. It would ruin my friendship with my best friend, and Cass would hate me after. I pull back and playfully smack her ass. “All right, wildcat, time to get you to bed.”

“Please tell me you’re not going to use that as some cute nickname for me.”

“No need for a pet name, because the only thing I ever want to call you is mine.” Fuck, I didnotjust say that out loud. Yes, I did. Maybe I am actually drunk. No, I’m drunk on her.

Cass lets out a full laugh. “That’s a good line. ‘The only thing I ever want to call you is mine.’ Which movie is that from?” She kisses my jaw and steps out of my embrace. “I’d like you to stay, but please never try one of your cheesy pick up lines on me again.”

It wasn’t a line, but there’s no way in hell I’ll admit it now.

I’m led into her bedroom and we strip out of our clothes. Calling my bluff, she slides under the sheets completely naked, and I dare to do the same. My cock will hate me later, but that's a problem for tomorrow. She snuggles up to me and I can’t help asking, “Why are you lonely, Cass?”

“I don’t know. I feel like the world is moving on without me. Most of my friends are married, some with kids. With my crazy work schedule, I can’t imagine meeting someone, let alone dating long enough for them to get down on one knee and ask me to be theirs forever.”

“I get it.” I sigh. “Most people don’t understand my schedule, either. Though, I guess you do. Are you still working nights?” She nods against my chest. “That has to be hard on you and your body.” I pull her closer and can’t help kissing the top ofher head, breathing her in. “What do you say in ten years, if we’re both single, we run off to City Hall and get married?” She chuckles and I feel it everywhere. “I’m serious! My dad loves you, your family tolerates me, Caleb will murder me, so you’ll get a nice life insurance pay out for you.”

“Sounds perfect. But that means you’d have to grow up.”

“Has to happen eventually, right?”

She hums thoughtfully, then agrees, “Ten years.”

I’ve never slept with a woman I didn’t alreadysleepwith. It’s comfortable, and with Cass in my arms, for the first time in a very long time, I’m feeling a little less alone.


. . .

Ten Years Later

Apoint-five carat diamond is enough, right? No, but Cass is an overnight nurse. Most of the time her hands are covered with surgical gloves, she probably wouldn’t wear it half the time anyway.

It’s not good enough, not by a long shot.

She’s Cassidy Fucking Rogers; she deserves so much more than this ring and a better man than me. It’s not going to stop me from getting down on one knee and praying she’ll say yes.

Everyone’s already at the bar for Cass’ birthday celebration, including her boyfriend, Zack. He’s a fucking tool, and I’m not just saying that because Cassidy and I should be together. She’s smarter, wittier, and way the fuck out of his league. Sure, he’s a great veterinarian and they likely have a lot in common, but I’m amazed he’s lasted this long. I should’ve proposed on my birthday, but when Cass arrived with Zack, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Even though he’s all wrong for her, she looked happy. I didn’t want to ruin that.

I want to be the one who makes her happy.

Caleb claps me on the back as I slide onto the stool next to him. “Hey, Travis, where’s Inferno?”

“I didn’t know how late this was going to be,” I lie. I left my Dalmatian at home; he’d probably betray me if he saw Zack. Why can’t my pup be normal and hate vets? I pivot to ask about his Dalmatian he adopted the same day I brought home Inferno. “Did you bring Smitten?”