The doctor approaches and he takes my hand, asking the same question. It’s Dr. Baker, thank fuck. I squeeze his hand twice and he tells Zack to leave. He pitches a fit, but I only catch half of it. I can’t seem to focus properly. He asks Travis and my father to step out, and they do, reluctantly.
The door shuts and he asks, “You know the drill. We need to ask about pain in your whole body; I’ll start at your toes. As I go through each one, squeeze my hand with your pain level.” He begins listing off every major body part, and I reply with various pain levels. Most are nominal—I have a high pain tolerance—my lungs being a six. He orders scans, and promises the incompetent nurse isn’t anywhere near my room again.
As he leaves, Travis and Pop enter, and Pop announces, “I’ll be by in the morning, but someone will be by shortly with paperwork to remove Zack as your first emergency contact. Do you want me to have them add Ingrid?” I shake my head and point to Travis. Pop smiles and nods once. “Consider it done. Get some rest, sweetheart. You’re in good hands with Travis here.” He leans in and kisses my cheek, whispering, “I love you.”
Pop leaves, and it takes everything in me to not burst into tears. All of this is my fault. If I had paid better attention to Inferno or blew out the candle when Travis dropped him off. The shop could be destroyed because of me.
Travis sits on the side of the bed, squeezing my hand. His voice is soft as he asks, “Are you feeling any better?” I shake my head once. “The doctors are saying they need you to stay overnight, but I want to bring you home tomorrow if you’re up to it.” He swallows thickly, unshed tears making his eyes red. “If you still want to move in with me.”
How could I not? I would scream it from the rooftop if I could actually breathe properly. I squeeze his hand tighter, then scoot over, careful not to screw up my IV or oxygen. He slides onto the bed, and I rest my head on his shoulder. Before he can stop me, I remove my mask to quickly tell him, “I love you, take me home.”
“Cass,” he growls. “Keep that on. As soon as the doctors clear you, you’re coming home with me, even if you don’t want to move in yet. Pop or Caleb can bring over a few things for you. Ingrid is still out of town, but she said she’ll be by the lake house the minute she’s back. Until then, I’m not leaving your side.” His thumb swipes over mine, and I can’t help my eyes from welling with tears. I don’t deserve him. A minute later, he startles. “Shit!” Scrambling off the hospital bed, he kisses my forehead, then rushes for the door. “I’m sorry. I’ll be back in thirty minutes. I need to get something.”
I chuckle to myself.So much for not leaving my side.
The next hour, I’m visited by my doctor informing me that my scans are scheduled for the morning. A nurse also comes in to check my vitals.
When Travis returns, he has a small duffle I don’t recognize. “Sorry, it took longer than I thought.” Rummaging in the bag,he recites the contents. “Okay, I have your favorite pajama pants, a nursing top from Ingrid—so you can dress without messing with your IV—and a few other essentials.” He pulls out a prescription bottle. “The nurse said they won’t administer antidepressants, so I grabbed yours from home. Since your purse is still at the shop, she was able to put in refill for your birth control. I’ll pick it up from the hospital pharmacy in an hour.” I mime writing, and he hands me his phone.
You didn’t have to do that.
“Yes, I did.” He drops the bag onto one of the chairs and climbs onto the bed next to me. “I know you hate it but let me take care of you.”
I sigh, and for once, give in.
. . .
Mid-day, my scans are clear, and I’m finally being discharged. They were hesitant, and Travis assured them he’s trained to look for signs of respiratory problems and would bring me back immediately if I had any issues.
Travis stayed the whole night with me in the too small hospital bed. Every nurse who came by told him he couldn’t sleep with me, but he laid on the charm and insisted he had permission. It’s no surprise; he always does what he wants.
He recounted what happened yesterday at the station, and how he went against his superior. I don’t think he’ll get fired, but it’s only a matter of time before there will be some sort of disciplinary action. He’s anticipating a suspension, though if I was in his shoes, I would’ve done the same; consequences be damned.
The ride to his house—or I suppose,ourhouse—is quiet. Pop and Cay are supposed to meet us there, and I hate that I’ve worried everyone. I haven’t seen the lake house since the renovations were complete, but my excitement is overshadowed by the aching sense of dread I have. Today should’ve been spent with me waking up riding his face, and himfucking me from behind after lunch. Instead, my whole family will be doting on me as if I almost died. I didn’t. I got out with plenty of time, and had more damage done by a shitty nurse than the flames.
We pull up and there are five trucks parked out front—including mine and a moving truck. I recognize the others belonging to Pop, Travis’ dad, and Caleb. All are full with the entire contents of my house. As sweet as it is, I cringe at the thought of one of them finding my vibrator collection.
“What the hell?” Travis mutters.
He gets out of the truck and opens my door. I carry my portable oxygen, and he slings the duffle over his shoulder. “What’s going on?” I ask, careful to conserve my breath.
“I didn’t ask them to do this, Cass. I promise.”
We enter the house and I gasp; it’s exactly how I imagined it—the perfect balance of modern and rustic. The floors were sanded and sealed, looking new. The wood paneling is gone, replaced with a fresh coat of off-white paint. I don’t have a moment to appreciate the missing walls that were taken down as Inferno is galloping toward me, nearly knocking me over.
I drop to my knees, pulling him into a tight hug. “Hey, sweet boy. I’m so happy you’re okay.”
“Cay? Dad? Pop?” Travis hollers into the house as I stand. “We’re here.”
There are heavy, quickened footsteps, then Caleb appears from down one of the hallways. He stops in his tracks, a small twinkle in his eyes. “Cass.” He continues a jog, not stopping until I’m wrapped in my brother’s arms. “Fuck, I’m so happy you’re okay.”
“It was a small fire,” I whisper, then tease, “It’s not like someone sunk my battleship.”
He releases me as everyone files into the room, including Ashlyn. Everyone hugs me, and I do my best not to cry. Pop explains that he wanted me to be comfortable here, and if I want to move back, he’ll have the trucks packed within the hour. He knows me better than I know myself some days. I want to be here, but if he had asked, I would’ve insisted I’d take care of it myself.
“Hey, Cass. Your dad texted me to come help pack up your room, in case there were, um… you know,personalitems,” Ashlyn answers before I can ask. I chuckle, grateful she packed my vibes and not Pop, but it hurts to laugh.