Our floral shop.
“Harrison, you’re staying behind.”
“The fuck I am!” I growl.
“Stay here, Travis. Your girl and Inferno will be fine,” Chief barks back. “I know you want to help, but I have to assess the damage before I can let you anywhere near it.”
My worst nightmare has come to fruition; I’d never forgive myself if I wasn’t first on the scene to help someone I love. “I can’t sit here with my dick in my hand while Cass?—”
“She’ll be okay, so will the shop.” He braces his hands on my shoulders. “Trust me, Travis.”
“I’m coming. I’ll leave my gear and I won’t enter the shop, but I have to know she’s okay.” I rush to my cubby and snatch my keys to my truck from the hook. Chief’s shouting at me, but I don’t give a fuck if I lose my job.
I peel out of the station and call Cay as I follow the engine to the shop.
“Hey, man, how’s it?—”
“Inferno knocked over a candle or something, and there’s a fire at the shop.” I choke back a sob. “Cass was in there. They say she got out, but I’m on my way now.”
“Fuck! Is she okay? I’m on my…Fuck, fuck, fuck. I can’t leave right now, I have the kids, and they shouldn’t be near a fire. I’ll call Pop to meet you.”
I can’t lose her.
“I’ll call Pop as soon as I get there. The EMTs should be rolling in any minute and if she needs to go to the hospital, they may be gone with her by the time I arrive.”
“Okay.” He blows out a shaky breath.
As I pull up, there’s faint smoke coming from the back of the building; it’s been burning for a while, but the rain has helped to keep it contained. Depending on his long it took her to get out, her lungs could be struggling. “I’ve gotta go. I’ll call you in a minute once I figure out what’s going on.”
“Take care of my sister… Please.” His voice is strained. Hell, so is mine.
“I will.”
We hang up and take a quick glance around, searching for the ambulance. It’s nowhere to be found, but Christina, who works next door, is sitting with Inferno. I rush over to her, my questions coming out in rapid succession. “Where’s Cass? Is she okay? Did the ambulance take her?” Inferno barks. “And you, mister, don’t think we are going to sweep this under the rug.”
He falls to his belly, snout on his paws. Christina takes a deep breath. “It’s okay, Travis. She made it out. She tried to smother the fire, even used an extinguisher, but it was too fast and trapped her inside for a minute. Inferno saved her, helping your girlfriend find a path out of the shop. The ambulance took her to the hospital.”
I glance between her and Inferno; I need to get him home to watch for side effects, but Cass…
Fuck, Cassidy isn’t my girlfriend, she’s so much more. I’m going to spend the rest of my life with that woman.
I swallow my feelings and ask, “Would you be able to do me a huge favor and drop Inferno off with a friend of mine? He was just at the vet and had a round of vaccines and started new medication. I’m supposed to monitor him, but?—”
“Of course, just send me an address. Zachary is so great, isn’t he?”
“Yes,” I manage through my clenched teeth. “The best.”
I pull out my phone to text her Caleb’s address, then let him know about Inferno and Cass. After thanking Christina profusely, I climb into my truck and drive to the hospital. I click my hands-free button. Having learned my lesson with texting Cassidy nonsense when Chad was injured, I opt for a call.
Pop picks up on the first ring. “Hey, son. Cay told me what happened. How’s my girl?”
At calling me son, I fucking break, tears threatening to fall from the corners of my eyes. “Pop, she’s at the hospital. Will you meet me there?”
“Of course. The fire chief called me too. It sounds like she’s stable, but your shop isn’t. I’m so sorry, Travis. Are you okay?”
“No,” I admit, my eyes becoming glassier by the minute. “The shop is the least of my worries.”