Page 18 of Always Heated

“Are you sure about that?”

“I don’t know anymore,” she admits softly.

“What do you want, Cass?” I tilt her chin to look at me. Her puffy, red-rimmed eyes are filled with hope and longing. “You can’t have us both.”

“I know. I broke it off with Zack because he deserves better than a woman who wants someone else. He insisted he’d wait for me to figure everything out, but?—”

“I’ll stop you right there. You deserve to be happy. Hell, all three of us do. Without worrying about what you think he deserves or how I feel about you, what doyouwant?”

“I want a chance to fall in love.”

I lean in, the side of my nose brushing hers. Neither of uscloses the distance as we share a breath. My voice is strained as I offer, “I want to be the one you fall in love with.”

Cass slides her hands up my chest and cups my neck, pulling me the last inch until our lips finally meet. She lets out a relieved sigh as I angle her face to deepen our kiss. It’s not rushed; she lets me taste and tease her, and I’m getting hard from a single kiss. Her soft moans have me teetering on the edge of losing control. I grip behind her thighs to pull her legs around me and set her on the counter. As much as I’d love to taste every inch of her skin, I resist stripping her bare in my kitchen.

We break apart, panting; her eyes are wild and dark. I’ve always wanted Cass, and now that I have a chance to keep her, I never want to let her go. “I can give you the fireworks you crave, but just like you, I want more.” I rest my forehead on hers. “I want the same love my grandparents had; what Cay and Ingrid have.”

“That’s a tall order,” she teases.

“It is, but I think we’ll manage.” I can’t help teasing, “So, do I wife you up now, or later?”

Cassidy laughs, wrapping her arms around my neck, and I tug her hips to me until our bodies are flush. I’m not an easy man to love, but Cass is an easy woman to love. We’ll probably break each other’s hearts; a problem for another day.


. . .

Joining Travis to have lunch with Pop could blow up in my face; I’m not sure how Pop will take it. He loves Travis, but I was engaged to another man, making it painfully obvious that I broke things off with Zack because of Travis. Zack was a little too understanding, holding out hope that I’m going through some sort of cold feet phase. He could be right, but as long as whatever this is between Travis and me is unresolved, I can’t stay engaged.

The drive to Pop’s is quiet, though I don’t know what else could be said. He slides his hand onto my thigh, squeezing once before turning his palm over. I interlace our fingers and keep our joined hands in my lap. I shouldn’t compare him to Zack, but I never had butterflies with Zack. Every time Travis touches me, it’s as if a fire spreads within me; the irony of a firefighter causing a fire has me chuckling to myself.

We pull up to the house, and as I’m about to exit the truck, Travis tugs my hand to keep me in the cab. Without warning, he slides his fingers along my jaw until his thumb is resting on my cheek, then leans in to kiss me. I sigh against his lips, my nerves now nonexistent.

There’s a rapping of knuckles on the window, making me jump. Travis and I glance over my shoulder, finding my grumpy brother glaring at us. He opens the door and growls, “Do you have to do that in front of me?” It’s curious to me that he’s not upset I’m kissing Travis, especially since I haven’t told him Zack and I are no longer engaged.

“How do you think I felt, Cay, when I caught you fucking my best friend? Not once, but twice!” I hop out of the truck. “Why are you here?”

“Pop invited me to have lunch with him and Travis. Why areyouhere?”

“Travis invited me.” I look behind me, but he’s not in the truck. I check left and right, no Travis. “Where did he—” We spot Travis on the front porch with Darcy. She’s showing him something on a piece of paper and his grin is bright enough to light up a night sky.

“Darcy made him a thank you card for putting out the fire,” Cay explains. “It’s for the whole station, but she wanted to give it to him in person.”

My heart squeezes. “Damn, I love that little munchkin.”

“Come on.” Cay slings an arm around my shoulder as we walk toward the house. “After lunch, you can explain to me why you’re no longer wearing your engagement ring and kissing my best friend.”

Darcy glances up as we reach the porch. “Auntie Cass! Look what I made for Uncle Travis and the firemen.” She proudly shows off the picture. “There’s Inferno and Smitten.”

“It’s beautiful! I’m sure they’ll love it. But you know the Dalmatians weren’t at the fire,” I remind her, careful with my tone to not burst her bubble of happiness. Travis’ smile fades and,fuck, I’m an asshole; he lost Blaze, the station’s Dalmatian,years ago. Ever since, they’ve never let dogs on any calls. I clear my throat. “Have you talked to Pop? What’s for lunch?”

“Nope, let’s go find him,” Cay replies, taking Darcy’s hand.

As soon as they’re inside, I rush out, “I’m so sorry, Travis, I didn’t mean?—”

“Shh, it’s okay. I know.” He wraps me in a quick, warm hug, then waffles our fingers together and leads us into the house. There isn’t an ounce of hesitation, as if holding my hand is something we’ve always done. Maybe he’s right and he has grown up. Maybe it’s me who hasn’t.

We find Pop in the kitchen, slicing through brisket. “Hey you’re…” He looks down at our joined hands and back to me, cocking an eyebrow.“Well, well, well. When did this happen?”