Page 9 of Always Heated


I start work at 7.

Great! Let’s meet at 5 and grab a beer until Zack is off work.


Pop said he can watch the kids, so we’re in. See you tomorrow.

And just like that, I’m one step closer to making Cassidy mine.

Five was probably the worst time to meet up; it’s packed at the axe throwing bar with everyone getting off work. I’m able to get the bartender’s attention and order a pitcher of beer with several pint glasses; I’ll order something for Cass when she arrives.

Ashlyn arrives first and I pull her into a side hug, as I ask, “Hey, boss, how was work?” She’s a sheriff in town and I’ve heard today was slower than usual.

“I need something stronger than beer,” she laughs. “Thanks for inviting me, I really needed the night out.”

“Of course. Did you bring me berries? Or is Ingrid the only one who gets them these days?”

Smacking my arm, she passes me a small bag. “I knew you wouldn’t let me live it down if I didn’t bring you your own stash.”

“Fuck yes!” I open the container, popping one into my mouth, not giving a fuck that they aren’t washed. Her family hasthem at the farmers’ market every weekend, but with fire season, I haven’t been able to go for the past few months. Thankfully, things are slowing down, and I’ll resume my weekly trips. Ashlyn has always been a sweetheart, bringing them by the station on her days off, and making a special trip to Pop’s for the weekend breakfasts he hosts.

Ingrid and Caleb come up behind Ashlyn, and Cay’s deep rumble startles her, “What are we drinkin’?”

I pour beer into two glasses for them and signal to the bartender. Ashlyn orders a gin and tonic, and I order a whiskey neat. We chat for a minute, when Cassidy comes in, her platinum blonde hair like a beacon drawing my attention to her. The three of them turn, finding Cass approaching wearing her scrubs. I signal to the bartender to order a diet cola with a few cherries.

Cass begins to order the same, but I stop her. “I already got it.” I wink and return my attention to Ashlyn and Cay who are talking about an upcoming football game. I couldn’t care less, but their teams are playing each other, so I’m doing my best to pay attention to the shit talking. It’s proving difficult with Cassidy next to me. I place my hand on her lower back and lean in to whisper, “Are you ready to get your ass kicked in axe throwing?”

She runs her tongue over her teeth and chuckles. “We’ll see about that.”

Spotting Zack entering the bar, I pull back, loving the light rosy blush creeping up her neck to her cheeks. As he approaches, I pour him a beer and paint on my signature panty-melting smile that works on all genders. “Hey, glad you could make it.”

I pass him the pint, and he wraps his arm possessivelyaround Cassidy’s shoulders. I don’t let my smile falter as he replies, “Thanks, man. Are we playing in couples?”

“Ooh, can I be on Caleb’s team?” Ashlyn volunteers. “We’ll kick all of your asses.”

Ingrid chimes in, “Can I be on Zack’s then? I’m a weak link and he’s good enough for the both of us.”

Wait, what? He’s good?My plan is falling apart by the minute.

“If that’s the case, that means you’re with me, Cass,” I announce. With Zack glancing behind him at the bar, I wink at her. She rolls her eyes at me, but little does she know I beat Cay and the guys at the station every time we play.

We check in at the host stand and our lane is ready. After setting down our drinks, I suggest Zack goes first—I need to know what I’m working with. He lifts the axe and tosses it, spinning through the air until he hits in the four-point circle.

Mother. Fucker.

Ingrid cheers, while Cay and I grumble to ourselves. Ashlyn is next, whipping the axe into the three-point circle. Caleb whoops and shouts, “Hell yes, Ash!”

“You want to go first?” I ask Cass and she shakes her head, sipping her diet soda. This whole outing was a fucking mistake. If I destroy Zack, I’ll look like an asshole. If I let him win, there’s more at stake than an innocent game of axe throwing. I’m fucked.

I pick up an axe, take a deep breath to slow my heart, and toss it. Landing in the dead center, I do my best to hide my smirk as I turn to face my friends. Ingrid gasps, while the rest of them clap politely. There’s no fanfare, not a single one of them celebrates it. My eyes land on my girl, and while she’s not celebrating, there’s a twinkle in her eyes that I can’t ignore.

Taking a seat next to her, I whisper, “Do you want me to win?”

Ingrid takes her shot, only hitting the two-point circle. Cass finally replies, “Weshould win. But if you let Ingrid win, I’ll forgive you for coming by yesterday.”

“Forgive me?” My voice carries, but thankfully not enough for anyone to notice except Ashlyn. Zack and Cay are discussing something, so I ask, “What is there to forgive?”