Page 3 of Puck the Halls

She blinks at me with those expressive blue eyes, and it takes everything in me not to throw her over my shoulder and carry her to her hotel room and have our wicked way with her.

"Um, if you'll excuse me, I'll be right back." Her eyes trail over each of us as she slides off the chair before making her way through the crowd to the ladies' room.

"What the fuck, Coop? She was seconds away from coming all over Tate's hand." Sam snaps while Tate licks his fingers clean. "Are you seriously licking her juices off your fingers right now?" Sam shoves Tate in frustration. My normally laid-back brother looks like he's ready to explode. "At least tell us how she tastes."

"Like absolute Heaven." Tate looks like the cat that licked the cream—which he did.

"Look, guys, I'm sorry, but you see how young she is. She has to be at least a decade younger than us." I'm the oldest at thirty-four, Sam at thirty-two, and Tate at thirty. "She's too young to understand exactly what will happen when her fantasy becomes a reality."

"Well, you didn't have to scare her off." Sam crosses his arms over his chest and glares at Tate, who's still licking his fingers like a man starving.

"I gave her the easy way out. I'm sure she's already halfway back to her hotel room, thanking her lucky stars we're not there with her. Besides, don't you think it would be a little weird if we all had sex with the same woman at the same time?"

"I don't know. It's not like we've never seen each other naked before." Tate shrugs. "Plus, Dad said we need to have more bonding experiences."

Our Dad is the head coach of the Minnesota Norse pro hockey team. From his time in the league as a player and coach, we've always admired him. We've modeled our lives after him, except for finding a special woman to spend the rest of our lives with and giving him and Mom, the grandchildren they've been hoping for. I'm not sure they meant for us to all share that special woman.

"First of all, I'm pretty sure us having sex with Jolie at the same time isn't what Dad meant by that. And second, I know we've seen each other naked a million times, just never when you've been balls deep in someone." As brothers and hockey players, there is no modesty—between sharing a bathroom growing up and a locker room as we got older, there's nothing we haven't seen.

Before our conversation turns into an all-out debate, a delicate hand with red nails places something red on our table, and we turn our gaze at Jolie. "I'm not a prude, " she says before turning on her heel and leaving us speechless.

I'm still staring after her when I hear Sam say, "Mine." I turn around just in time to see him pick up the red fabric Jolie set on our table and bring it to his nose. As he inhales deeply, I realize they're Jolie's red lace panties.

Lucky son of a bitch.

"Room four-eleven." Tate holds up a keycard that must have been tucked into the panties like it's the Stanley Cup and leaps out of his chair.

"Wait a minute." I grab his arm before he gets too far away from me. "Are we really going to do this?" I look between my brothers, knowing that if one of us doesn't want to do this, then none of us are going to do it.

"Hell, yes, we're going to do this." Tate shakes his arm out of my grip with a smile. "It's time to work on our brotherly bonding."

"What if someone recognizes us?" I hesitate. I'm the head coach of the Iowa Poseidon Pro hockey team, and my brothers are my assistants. Our faces are plastered all over the place. Last year, we were voted Sports Illustrated's hottest coaches, landing us on the most eligible bachelor list.

"So what if they do? We're in the Minnesota Norse territory. They just signed Teagan Hayes and her three hockey-playing boyfriends to the team. I doubt anyone will care what we do."

"Tate's got a point. But the final decision is your Coop. Are we doing this or not?"

I look at each of my brothers' hopeful faces and decide, "What the hell—let's do this."



Ipace the lengthof the bedroom, then back. "Why didn't I pay extra for a suite?" I mumble to myself. At least there would be a seating area, not a king-sized bed in the middle of the room, reminding us why we're all in my hotel room.

The minutes seem to fly by as I pick up my phone to check the time. It's been twenty minutes since I left them my soaked panties and room key on their table—they're not coming.

With a sigh, I toss my phone back on the nightstand and flop down on the bed just as the door to my room swings open, causing me to stand up.

"Sorry, it took us so long. We stopped in the gift shop to get you a birthday present." Tate holds up a T-shirt that looks about five sizes too big for me. It reads, "Minnesota State Bird," with a giant mosquito on it. "They didn't have much to choose from." He gives me a boyish smile, and my heart melts.

"I love it." I take the offered shirt and kiss him on the cheek.

"We also got you this." Sam hands over a bag of chocolates.

"Thank you. I love it, too." I kiss his cheek the same way I did with Tate, making sure I'm not playing favorites before turning to Cooper, who looks like he is hiding something behind his back. "And what did you bring me." I set the shirt and the bag of candy on the nightstand.

"I didn't realize we were buying gifts. I bought these." He pulls a hand from behind his back and hands me a large box of extra-large magnum condoms.