Susu: Thank you for saying that. To stay with the open and honest communication theme, I was going to talk to you about him.
Me: ‘Them’ you mean. *wink*
Susu: Chester certainly did tell you quite a bit. I meant ‘him’, as in Vance. I’m not ready to talk about Chester yet, because I have no clue what that is or what it meant.
I raise a brow, surprised by her answer. Interesting.
Me: Fair. So, since we’re being open and honest here, communicating and everything… Want to give me the details? How did all of that even happen? At the bar, no less?
Susu: LOL – I bet you’d like to know.
Me: Truthfully, I find I’m curious.
Susu: :) I don’t have issues telling you, but I’d like to offer Vance the courtesy of a say first.
Me: You’re killing me here…
Susu: You’ll survive.
Snorting out a laugh, I find myself relieved that she’s back to her somewhat normal, sassy self. I’m not against things coming up and having to work through difficult situations, but one of the things I loved about the military was the consistency. The routine. Having this moment with her to bring us back to some normal banter eases some of the anxiety I’ve been feeling over the past week or so.
Me: Brat. What are you doing tonight?
Susu: Writing.
Me: Anything interesting?
Susu: I’ll have you know, everything I write is interesting. At least to me. So, yes… I’d say it’s very interesting.
Me: Show me.
Susu: ahem…
Me: LOL please show me?
Susu: *sends attachment*
The Edge
Their touch so sweet
I melt from my feet
A keen and a cry
I whimper as he shies
from my thigh
Husky laughter
And twisted lips
A tongue tickles my hips
So hot
So heavy