“Th-Thank you so much for sticking around and meeting with me. I hope it’s not a terrible inconvenience for you. We can always come at a different time if it fits your schedule better.” Mina rambles when she gets nervous, or unsure, or uncomfortable, and she’s heading down a path of serious nerves right now.
Holding up a hand, Gray stops her. “I’m thrilled to stay and meet with you. If you decide you’d like to get inked tonight as well, then we’ll do that. I don’t have any other obligations.” Standing up, she offers her hand palm up to Mina. “Would you like to come in the back with me and we can discuss what you’re thinking about?”
Chewing on her lip, she considers her, then slowly releases Ethan to grab onto Gray. The three of us all stand to follow them back, but Gray’s eyes snap over to us. “Just us girls right now. Let me get to know Mina. If she wants you all to come back later, then I’ll let you know.” She’s not nearly as gentle with us as she is with her. I appreciate Gray a little more for the effort she’s putting in with Mina to make her more comfortable.
I cover my mouth to hold back a laugh when Ethan growls and Gray raises a single brow at him. “Rein it in, big boy. Your girl will be just fine. And don’t fucking growl at me like a dog.”
That does it. I double over with a loud laugh. “Fucking dog,” I tease while pointing at him.
Huffing out in irritation, he plops back down into his chair. “Fine. Mina, let us know the moment you want any of us back there with you.”
I’m surprised when Mina pulls her hand away from Gray and moves to stand in front of Ethan. Without hesitation, she leans down and wraps her arms around his neck, whispering, “Thank you. I’ll let you know the moment I decide.”
Fucking Ethan.His shoulders drop into an easy posture when she holds on to him, wrapping his beefy arms around her waist and pulling her into him. Pressing a quick kiss to her cheek, he promises, “We’ll keep an eye out here. Enjoy yourself.”
We’re all quiet as the two women walk into the back, then I turn to Ethan and point at him again. “A damn hug and you calm down? Think that’ll work when I piss you off? Because I’ll totally snuggle the fuck out of you anytime you want.”
His only answer is another growl and Max rumbles out, “Damn dog.” Chuckling, I stay standing, but lean against the counter while we wait for Gray and Mina to finish talking.
They’re back there for a solid thirty minutes before Gray sticks her head out. “You boys can come back now if you’d like. Stay out of my way while I work.” Narrowing her eyes at all three of us as we quickly make our way to the back room, she adds, “One warning. That’s all you’ll get. I reserve the right to kick your asses out if you piss me off.”
We’re quick to acquiesce, and then step around Gray as she holds the door open for us to file in. My steps halt when I see Mina sitting on the table with her shirt off and pressed against her chest. The straps of her bra are visible, along with the smooth skin dipping where her waist is the smallest.Christ, she’s beautiful, and looking much more at ease now that she’s had time with Gray.
“Soo…” I drag out and flash a smile at Mina. “We’re getting a tattoo, then?”
Her braid bounces across her collarbone as she nods vigorously. “Yes.” Her words come out breathy. “Gray doesn’t think it’ll take too long with what I’ve chosen.”
Max, Ethan, and I all find spots to stand in front of her, taking us out of view of where Gray will be working. “What are you getting?” Max asks her, curiosity and interest has his head tilted to the side as he studies her.
Inhaling deeply when she feels Gray move in behind her and touch her gloved hands to her skin, she says, “A dove.”
“I knew it!” I exclaim, looking at my friends like I’ve won something. Max rolls his eyes, so I explain. “Well, not that it was a dove exactly, but she was eyeing up those birds the entire time we were out there.”
They both ignore me, so I scowl at them.
Max focuses on Mina. “Why a dove? I think it’s a beautiful idea, but did you choose it for any particular reason?”
Gray’s eyes flick up to me, then the other two, as she gets her station prepared to start. Setting her hand on Mina’s shoulder, she says, “I’m going to start now. You can explain if you want. You don’t have to stay quiet, but Idoneed you to do your best to remain still. If you need a moment and would like me to stop, just let me know and I can give you a break. This one should only take about thirty minutes.”
Grinning at her over her shoulder, Mina agrees, then looks back at us. “Are you familiar with the story of Noah inThe Old Testament?”
Gray turns on the tattoo gun and holds it away from Mina’s back. Probably a good choice because she jolts when she hears it, and then instantly apologizes. “I’m so sorry. You just told me not to move. I’m really sorry, Gray.”
She looks like she’s on the verge of tears, so I step forward and grab her hand, kneeling down in front of her. “Hey, it’s alright. She had the gun away from you. No one is mad.”
“Mina, I always turn it on before I start for this exact reason. It’s jarring when you hear it for the first time. I am going to start now, so try to stay relaxed. I’ll touch you with my hand before I put the needles to your skin. It’s going to sting at first, but you’ll get used to it fairly quickly. It’ll eventually become just an annoyance, like someone is scratching the same spot over and over. Are you ready?”
The gun is still vibrating in Gray’s hand, and she looks a tad concerned about Mina’s reaction. I’m glad she didn’t express it though, instead only giving Mina confidence to ease her nerves. In a wobbly voice, Mina answers her. “I’m ready. It just startled me, is all. I’m not worried about it hurting. Thank you so much again for taking the time to do this. I-I really appreciate you.”
I’m not sure what it was about Mina’s words, but Gray looks taken aback. She blinks rapidly a few times and then squeezes Mina’s shoulders. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Thank you for letting me be the first to do this for you. It’s an honor.”
Mina looks surprised at Gray’s words, widening her eyes at us, not sure how to take what she’s said.
Squeezing her hand to gain her attention, I ask again, “Why the dove, sweetheart?”
Popping her mouth open, she looks sheepish. “Oh, I forgot what I was saying. You guys know the story of Noah and the Ark?”
We all nod, and Max says, “We do.”