Threading my fingers behind my head after lying down, I look at the roof of the tent. I eventually close my eyes and drift to sleep with the sounds of Mina snoring softly as her warm, sweet scent slowly fills the tent.
Chapter 30
Holy Fuck
Stretching my back as I wake up, I try to work the kinks out of my shoulder from sleeping on the ground. My movement shifts me into something solid and I freeze at the weight that’s pressed up against my chest.
Cracking my eye open, I expect to find Walter curled up next to me, but when I see a mess of dark waves, both of my eyes fly open and widen in shock.
Holy fuck… Mina is cuddling with me.
I glance around the space to find Vincent on the other side of her, staring at me with a shit-eating grin. Ethan is sitting near our feet, just watching us with curiosity. I open my mouth to say something, but Vincent quickly puts his fingers to his lips to keep me quiet.
Snapping my mouth shut, I look back down and see that Mina is dead to the world. Her mouth is slightly parted, breathing steadily into Walter’s neck. Apparently, the little shit took advantage of this impromptu cuddle pile as well. She has her arm slung over his side, and it’s nice to see all the stress lines smoothed out across her face while she’s completely uninhibited and peaceful.
Walter must notice that I’m awake because his tail taps against the sleeping bags in a slow thump, happy to greet me this morning. He shifts his body to get up, bumping into Mina. She stirs enough to roll over to face me. Pressing her cheek against my chest, she releases a contented sigh and drifts back to sleep.
As her body leans into mine, I realize that my dick is hard as a rock. I have to look up at the ceiling of the tent to will the damn thing to go down before she wakes up and realizes it’s throbbing against her abdomen.
Vincent realizes my predicament and starts to snicker quietly. I want to get up and smack him, but not enough to give up the position I’m in right now. Even with a raging hard-on, this is fucking heaven. So instead, I glare at him as I wrap my arm over her and pull her against me a bit tighter.
His laughter trails off as he watches me, and I curl my lips up, smirking at him when my hand rests between her shoulder blades. Pushing up on his elbow, he whispers, “Touché,” and then winks before hopping up to twist and crack his back.
Ethan’s deep, rumbling voice fills the tent, and I feel Mina shift when his words disturb her slumber. “We should probably get moving. Best time for fishing.”
Wishing we didn’t have anything planned, I briefly close my eyes to enjoy the feeling of Mina next to me for a moment longer. My hand rubs up and down her back gently in an attempt to ease her awake.
Groaning softly, she nuzzles her face deeper into my body, fighting her need to wake up. I can tell the moment she does when her muscles tighten under my fingertips as she realizes she’s basically lying on top of me.
Her eyes pop open and meet mine. I bite the inside of my cheek when I see that she’s obviously embarrassed, unsure of how to react lying this close to me, and maybe a little scared. My body instinctively responds to her alarm, and I pull more firmly against me before setting my palm against her cheek. Leaning down, I whisper soothingly in her ear, trying to calm her. “It’s okay, Mina. You must have rolled into me at some point last night. I’m not upset and I’m not going to hurt you. I swear, I’d never do that.”
I press a kiss to her forehead to reiterate my words. Tilting her head back, I study her and the blush which is running from her neck all the way to the apples of her cheeks. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean too,” she mumbles, voice cracking from sleep.
Christ, she’s fucking cute.Chuckling, I grin at her. “Don’t apologize. Besides, I’m certain I stayed warmer than those two fuckers last night.”
“Truth,” Vincent mutters.
She smiles shyly at me, and my stomach does a somersault. I’m definitely feeling something for this girl, and I don’t know how to handle my own emotions at what that might mean.
Ducking her head, she rolls over to face Walter and gives him a big hug and some ear scratches, murmuring sweet ‘good boys’ in his ear before finding her feet. I hate letting her go but I know that asking her to lie back down with me wouldn’t go over well.
I watch as she stretches her arms above her head, flashing a sliver of skin at her waist, which sends another pulse of desire straight to my cock. The fucker is still standing at attention. With her back turned to me, I get up quickly so I can tuck the head of my dick under my waistband to hide it from her. Of course, she hears my movement and looks back at me.
The way her gaze runs down my body is more analytic than simply checking me out, and I wince when her eyes take in the bulge in the front of my sweats. Immediately, her hand covers her mouth, and she spins back around to scramble out of the tent.
Groaning inwardly, I finish adjusting myself, then throw on a new shirt before making my way out into the fast-approaching morning.
Vincent and Ethan are working together to get some breakfast cooked up, but Mina isn’t in the clearing. “Where’d she go?” I ask them.
Ethan looks me over, then nods his head to my left. “Bathroom.”
I’m tempted to follow her, to make sure I didn’t make her uncomfortable, but I wait. I occupy my time by organizing our gear to take on the boat for the day, sending frequent glances in the direction Ethan said she went in.
The snapping of twigs and crunching leaves alerts all of us that she’s making her way back. Speaking softly to Vince and Ethan, I whisper, “I’ll be right back.” I walk toward her and wait next to the truck just as she steps out of the woods.
She stops when she sees me, then looks away, unable to meet my eyes and clearly embarrassed by the whole hard cock thing. Walking up to her, I lean down to get her attention and have her meet my gaze. “I’m sorry,” I start, and her dark eyes move to mine, searching inside me for the reason behind my apology. “I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable with…” I motion to my dick, unintentionally drawing her attention lower.