Page 61 of Break

“Because I want to make it right. And I want you to know that I’m sorry for what Danny and I did to you at your home,” I admit. It’s the truth, but it also feels like I’m not saying enough.

She looks startled when I mention Danny’s part in it, then she narrows her eyes at me. “He lied to me about it. Told me he had no idea who did it or what had happened.”

My jaw clenches, and I can feel the muscles popping. “Of course he did. That fucker wouldn’t know how to tell the truth if his life depended on it.”

Looking away from me, I can tell that what I’ve told her was hurtful. There’s a small weight that’s lifted off my shoulders, having admitted to her what I did, but I don’t feel good about it at all. “Iamsorry for it, Mina.”

She doesn’t respond to my apology as we sit in silence for a few minutes, both lost in our own thoughts. Finally, she speaks up again. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“Why did you destroy it?”

I take a deep breath, feeling the weight of the question. “I don’t have a good excuse. I was angry and wanted to hurt someone, and you were an easy target.” She winces but doesn’t interrupt. “Someday, I’ll explain more, but there was shit going on at my home with my parents. Similar to the situation you found yourself in with Danny, and I was just a really fucking angry kid.”

Her eyes widen, then fill with tears as I admit that. She opens her mouth to ask me a question, but Christ, she already looks like she could use another nap. There are dark circles under eyes and they’re heavy, like she’s trying to hold them open.

“Listen, we can talk about it more when you’re feeling better. I just needed you to know, and I wanted to give you this.” I hold my hand out and point between the paper and the dog. Tipping my head toward the animal, I add, “You can do what you want with him. I got him because you seem to have taken to Walt.”

Staring over at the paper, she still looks crushed by my confession, and I feel like such a piece of shit. “Thank you,” she whispers. I’m not sure if it’s for the stuff or for telling her the truth, but I give her a tight smile in return.

“You should take something now, just in case your fever tries to come back and get some more rest. Maybe after, you’ll feel up to venturing out of your room and coming down to eat,” I hedge, seeing if I can get her to talk a little more to me.

She doesn’t, but at least Mina takes the meds and then slides back under her covers. She curls up on her side and closes her eyes. I feel deflated that I’ve hurt her again.

Maybe she senses it because, without opening her eyes, she whispers, “I’ll name him Dennis.” She doesn’t give me her forgiveness, but she gives me her words.

I bite my cheek so I don’t grin like a fool when I realize she’s naming the stuffed dog a ridiculous name just like Walter.

Chapter 27

Wanna Skydive?


“Alright, sweetpea. Let’s make a list!”

I grab a pad of paper, and settle into the chair in the corner of her room. The pad is balanced on my knee, pen poised and ready to start jotting down ideas.

Mina is sitting up, leaning against a few pillows, her knees tucked up to her chin and arms wrapped around them. “Sweetpea?”

Snickering, I point the pen at her and circle her face with it. “Yes, sweetpea. You’re awfully sweet, you know that?”

She wrinkles her nose at my compliment, but her face also erupts in a pretty shade of pink. “I can hardly think of a reason to make you think I’m sweet. I’m notrude…but that means nothing in comparison.”

Clicking my tongue at her, I lay my pen down and drop my foot to the ground. “Ahh, I would disagree. I was an ass for years to you, and you let me apologize and haven’t brought it up since. Didn’t yell at me or anything.” I add a wink to show her I’m teasing, and that pink turns a bit darker on her cheeks.

“W-Well, I…” She looks at her lap and picks at her blanket, scrapping her nail against one of the quilted seams. Softening her voice like she’s worried at my reaction, she admits, “I’m still angry about it. I have been for a long time.”

My playful smile falls from my face when she admits that. “Mina, youshouldbe angry at me, atus. Don’t be afraid to let any of us know, either. You won’t get in trouble here.”

She gives me a wary look, unsure if she should trust my promise. Understandable, considering the hell she went through with Danny, but hopefully Mina will soon learn that we mean what we say. “So!” I exclaim energetically, trying to get us back on topic. “Let’s make a list.”

“What kind of list are we making?” I can tell she’s a little curious but doesn’t want to seem too eager.

I can’t stop the sly grin that grows on my face because my idea is fucking fantastic. “I want you to make a list of all the things you’ve always wanted to do, but never had the opportunity before now.”

Lifting her head, she gives me a surprised look. “Like, what kinds of things?”