Page 59 of Break

Vincent, thankfully, has a few days off. He also called in and asked to take an extra three days of vacation so he can stay here and help. Max looks like he’s running on next to no sleep, on the verge of panic that she hasn’t seemed to get any better. He’s been on the phone repeatedly with her doctor’s nurse, only getting reassured that it just needs to run its course and this is completely normal.

Right now, I’m settled into the chair that we moved into her room to keep watch. We’ve been helping her up so she can make it to the bathroom every few hours, and pushing her to drink and take meds the moment our alarms say she’s due for the next dose. Her fever just won’t fucking break, and she’s practically delirious from the chills and fever-dreams. It makes her body shake and contort all day and night.

My eyes are locked on her huddled-up form, buried under three blankets, but doing nothing to combat the chills racking her body. I just… I can’t take it anymore. Making the decision that I’ll ask for forgiveness if she’s upset with me, I make my way over to her bed, lift the blanket and slide under to wrap my body around hers.

She’s shivering so hard that I’m afraid she’ll pull a muscle. I just want her warm. Wrapping my arms around her upper body, I pull her into my chest, then throw my leg over hers to pin her to me.

Mina’s soft crying completely unmans me, and I rest my forehead against the back of her head and try to soothe her.

“I’ve got you, darlin’. Sshhh.” I mutter, offering whatever words I can think of to give her comfort.

Another tremor wracks her, and she whimpers. “I-I… c-can’t… please…”

Shushing her, I run my hand over her arm. “Can’t what, Mina?” I’m not sure what she’s trying to say or if she even knows I’m here.

“That’s n-not…” she starts, then mumbles something unintelligible.

Another dream then. She’s been having them on and off, talking in her sleep about random things that haven’t made any sense to us. Settling my head into the pillow while I continue to pet her, I get her to relax. Eventually, her tremors start to slow down, my added body heat working its way into her body.

I think I’ve got her back to sleep until I feel all of her muscles go tense under my hands, and she lets out a blood-curdling scream. “STOOOOP!”

Fuck!What the fuck is she dreaming about?My heart is racing at a gallop, then I jolt when I hear her bedroom door slam open and Vincent charges into the room. Her scream must have woken him because he looks like he was dead asleep. We’ve all been absolutely exhausted, and he only went to bed an hour ago.

“What? What the fuck is happening?” he asks, looking around the room for whatever caused her to scream like that.

Waving a hand to quiet him, I whisper, “She’s having another nightmare.”

He takes a deep breath and jerks his fingers through his hair, then walks to the other side of her bed to check on her. Feeling her head, he winces and then shakes his head at what I already know. Her fever is spiking again. I can feel it radiating through her skin like a furnace, making my body feel overheated as well.

He’s just as worried about her as Max and I are, and I’m thankful that Mina has a group of people that are able to take care of her right now. “What are you doing in her bed?” He’s not accusing me, just curious.

“She won’t stop shaking,” I tell him.

Nodding in understanding, he looks slightly sheepish when he admits, “I crawled in with her earlier today for the same reason. Move over so I can get in.”

I hesitate, wondering if Mina would feel upset that there are two men in bed with her, but when she begins to sob, and says, “Danny… n-nooooo,” I move.

Scooting back toward the edge of my side, I pull her limp body with me, and Vincent slides under the covers in front of her. I ignore his arm and leg as he slings them over the both of us, adding his body heat into the mix.

I’m surprised when he rests his lips against her forehead, giving her a soft kiss in comfort, then softly reassures her. “Danny isn’t here, and he won’t ever be here. We got you, sweetness.”

I don’t know if she’s awake enough to hear his words, but I feel my body relax right along with hers as she melts into the bed, letting her limbs go lax.

The three of us lay together silently, both Vincent and I wide awake as we listen to her slightly raspy breathing.

I don’t even notice that my fingers are threaded through hers, clasping her hand tightly until she gives it a gentle squeeze. Maybe she is a bit more aware than I thought. That squeeze is just enough to let me know that she’s okay with us being in here.

With that reassurance, I let myself drift off to sleep next to her.

Chapter 26

Jealousy Sucks


Gripping the stuffed dog in my hand, I’m frozen as I take in the scene before me.

Limbs. Limbseverywhere.