I was going to let Ethan accompany Mina to her house alone, but I couldn’t do it. I have this intrinsic need to be there. It’s not just that we run the risk of an altercation with Danny, it’s that I need to protect her. Need to make sure she’s safe and remains unharmed.
As we pull up outside her house, Mina is quiet in the backseat. I glance in the rearview mirror and see the look of fear on her face. I’d ask if she’s okay, but I know it’s a stupid question. She’s not. Vincent called ahead to let us know would be Danny home. He and his partner are waiting down the block in their squad car.
I send a quick text to let them know we’re here and to meet us out front.
Ethan parks the car outside the house and I immediately step out, scanning the area for any signs of Danny, while waiting for Ethan to hold the door for Mina. Stepping out, she looks up at the old Victorian home, wringing her hands nervously. I can guarantee that thoughts of what happened the last time she was here are running through her head, and I’m proud of her for even taking this first step outside the car.
I walk ahead of her, ready to be the shield she needs as we approach the front door, Ethan at her side. Vincent and Singh meet us, their radios chirping orders and officers responding with updates on their locations.
Vincent arrived at my house late in the evening last night after Mina had already gone to bed. He took the room across the hall from her, but he couldn’t see her before he left this morning for his shift. As I join him in front of the door, he smiles down at Mina, who’s now shaking with trepidation.
“It’s nice to finally see you again, sweetness. You ready to go in there?” He’s remaining relaxed and calm in front of her. It lets her know that he’s not worried about what could happen once we announce our arrival.
Mina takes a deep breath, then nods. I touch her shoulder and feel a small amount of consolation that she doesn’t shy away from my touch. I’ll take every small victory I can get at the moment. “Mina, we’re going to stick to you like glue in there, alright? You won’t be left alone, and you absolutely donothave to speak with him. We’ll handle that for you.”
Her glassy eyes look up at me, and my heart skips a beat at the look of gratitude in them. Her lower lip wobbles, but she manages a whispered, “Thank you,” before she looks back at Vincent.
Nodding his head at her, he turns and knocks. There’s no answer, but we can hear movement inside, then the sound of footsteps coming closer and closer to the door.
Suddenly, it swings open, and Danny is standing there, bedraggled and looking surprised to see all of us. Mina is in the middle of our group, and I watch him as he finally notices her. A brief flash of hatred hardens his features before he wipes it away, and a massive grin exposes his teeth. I suppose he’s trying to look non-threatening, but he fails. The word ‘predator’ screams at me and I have to force myself not to pick Mina up and carry her back to the car.
“Baby!Where have youbeen?” He moves toward her, but Vincent shifts his body, placing him between the two of them, halting Danny’s momentum.
“Danny, I’m going to need you to take a step to the side. We’re here as an escort to allow Mina in the home to gather her belongings. Nothing more.”
Danny’s eyes run down Vincent’s body, assessing the threat before meeting him with a sneer. “Fucking big man when you’ve got people standing at your back. I have every fucking right to speak to mywife.” Looking over Vincent’s shoulder, he moves his head until she comes into view. Then he snarls, “MINA!Come here. We need to talk about this bullshit you’ve gotten me into.”
Stepping closer to her, I settle my hand on her lower back, so she knows she’s not alone. Danny zeros in on the movement, and he narrows his eyes at me, grinding his jaw like he’s holding back words.
“You have something to say to me?” I ask him.
“Yeah, I got something to say. What the fuck areyoudoing here? You just told me yesterday you didn’t know where she was.” He’s practically heaving in fury as he asks.
Not one to pass up an opportunity to piss him off, I simply shrug him off. “I lied.”
“You-” He sucks in a breath and his eyes dilate in rage as he understands that I’m no longer his friend. Lunging for me, he screams, “YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! SIDING WITH THAT CUNT OVER ME?”
Quickly, I wrap my arm around Mina’s waist and pick her up to shove her at Ethan just a moment before I feel Danny’s fist make contact with my cheek. From the side of my vision, I see him hurriedly carry her down the few steps off the front porch. He turns his body so she can’t see what’s happening, protecting her from the violence.
Barking out a laugh, I wipe at my cheek where his fist connected and check for blood. Nothing there, and I beam at him as I watch him struggle between Tony and Vincent.
He’s spitting out profanities and fighting their hold. Singh swipes his legs out from under him, sending the three of them to the ground. They hold him as he continues to fight, fists swinging, and his words of, “I’m going to fucking kill you,” ring out.
“Jesus, Danny. What the hell is wrong with you?” Vincent growls at him, frustrated with the fact that this has already turned physical.
Tony jumps in without giving Danny a chance to respond. “If you don’t calm down, I have no issues cuffing you and keeping you here like this until they’re done.”
Stretching his neck, tendons bulging, he tries to get away from our hold. Spittle flies from his mouth as he screams, “Fuckyou!”
The quiet whimper from the yard instantly puts my guard up and fury rolls over me. How many times has she made that exact sound when facing him alone?
Taking two steps toward Danny, I curl my lip in triumph when he winces away from me. He knows hitting me was a terrible idea. Squatting down next to his head, I press my finger to his forehead, waiting until I have his entire focus.
I pull my hand away and tap his cheek in the same spot he punched mine. “Consider this your only warning from me. You come looking for her again, come sniffing around my house, or speak an ill-word against her in the public, I’ll fuckingburyyou.”
“You threatening me?Baby! Mina! You hear that?I’m your goddamn husband and you’re standing over there letting him threaten my life like this? This is onyou!” Danny’s face is turning purple as he screams out to Mina, enraged that he’s not getting his way.