Page 52 of Break

I try to think back, attempt to remember the Mina we knew back then. She was always shy, a bit awkward, but seemed to have her shit together. A memory of when Danny blamed her for breaking that glass jar pops in my head. I think I remember hearing her crying from her house after she was led inside by her mother.

Swallowing back the nausea, I fucking pray that I didn’t just walk away to play with my friends. Not while little Mina was getting hit in the house next door for something Danny set her up for. None of us spoke up about it when it happened. As children, we never thought to correct the adults in their assumption that Mina was the one at fault for the shattered glass.What kind of clueless idiots were we?

I shake my head, trying to clear the guilt away. It’s too late to go back and change the past, change how much of a dick I was. All I can do now is be there for her. And as I drive to my apartment to gather my things, my mind is already planning out what I can do to make her feel safer. To make her laugh. Because God, I remember her laugh. I didn’t hear it often, but when I did, it always made me feel good.

Once outside, I don’t waste time jogging toward my car. I’m anxious to grab my shit and get to Max’s place. I hear someone shouting behind me, but ignore it, focused on my task.

“Hey! You fucker! Wait up!” Slowing down, I look behind me, because obviously someone yelling out ‘fucker’ means they’re probably speaking to me. I’m instantly irate to see it’s Danny, running through the parked cars in my direction. “Fuck man, where are you off to in such a hurry? I was calling for you.” He’s panting as he stops in front of me.

“What do you want, Reed?” I snap, turning back to my car to unlock it and throw my shit in the backseat.

Apparently, my reception wasn’t well received because he’s instantly pissed. “What the fuck is wrong withyou?What’s with the hostility?”

Remembering that we’re no longer faking anything with him, I’m happy I don’t have to placate him or calm him down. Instead, I cross my arms over my chest and look down my nose at him like he’s worth nothing to me.

Biting out, I repeat my question slowly. “What… do you want, Reed?”

Some of his anger dissipates as it’s now mixed with confusion. “Not really sure what crawled up your ass, but I need you to help me out, Vince. They’re fucking investigating me now, asking about all sorts of shit starting way back when Mina and I married. Ihaveto fucking talk to her, man. Someone in there knows where she’s at and I need you to find out and tell me.”

His audacity is unbelievable, and my answer is easy.


“No, what? You don’t know where she is? Or no, they won’t tell you?” he asks, ignoring every indication that I’m denying him.

“No. As in,no, I’m not going to tell you.”

He’s stunned silent. I wait a moment for him to process. When he says nothing and only stares at me, I shake my hands out that were fisted at my side, loosening the tense joints.

“If there’s nothing else, I’m gonna head out,” I say as I head to the other side of my car to slide into the driver’s seat.

Once he sees me preparing to leave, he comes out of whatever stupor I left him in. Honestly, I’m surprised he’s not raging at me. “I don’t understand. Are you… are youmadat me or something?”

Opening my door, I step forward and rest my arms on top of my cruiser to study him, tilting my head. “No, Danny. I’m not mad at you.”

“Then why are you-”

“I’m fucking disgusted by you.” I interrupt him. Fuck, it feels good to have a chance to get this off my chest.

Jerking his head back, he scowls at me. “Disgustedby me? Forwhat?”

Laughing out loud, I close my eyes briefly and shake my head. “Oh Lord, I’msoglad you asked.” Holding up my hand, I raise my index finger. “One, you’re a fucking asshole who needs to go rot somewhere as far from me as possible.”

He opens his mouth to argue, but I continue without pausing, raising another finger. “Two, you beat the shit out of your beautiful wife who is nothing but kind and wonderful and precious.” I raise another finger. “Three, you’re a narcissistic, gaslighting, selfish bastard who is only looking for her to manipulate her into doing what you want.”

Another finger. “You’ve been a pain in all of our asses our entire life, and Ethan, Max, and I all agree we’re fucking done with you.” I slowly raise my last finger. “And five? I don’t like your face. It’s ugly. The only way I want to see it again is pressed against the pavement under my shoe. Go away, Danny. You’re fucking dead to us.”

With that, I slide into my car, start the engine, and pull away from my ex-friend. I don’t look in my rearview mirror. I don’t look back over my shoulder. Only forward. Only to Mina.

When I get to my apartment, I pack a bag, as well as some perishable foods, then finally make my way to Max’s place. As I pull up, I see the lights shining on the first floor, and one room upstairs as well. Instead of knocking, I try the front door and internally praise the guys for making sure it’s locked, even though they knew I was heading over. Max has always had an open-door policy, so knowing he’s taking precautions is an added bonus that we are all doing the best we can for her.

As I knock, I hear muffled voices, then footsteps, before the door is opened with Ethan filling the doorway.

Giving him a broad grin, I smack him on the shoulder as I push my way into the house with my bag over my shoulder. “Glad to see ya, big guy. Have I got a fun story for you!”

Chapter 23

Feels Good