Mina: Danny, the card didn’t work at Emilio’s. I tried to pick up the order for you and it said that there aren’t enough funds in the account.
Danny: How can you not work a fucking credit card?
Mina: I even had the hostess use it to see if it would go through and it still said declined.
Danny: Are you kidding me right now? How hard is it to just pick up a damn To-Go order?? How is this so complicated for you?
Mina: Danny, I’m not trying to make it complicated. It’s just that the card won’t work.
Danny: There’s plenty of fucking money in that account because I work MY ASS OFF and make sure you have enough to spend. But don’t worry, let me take time out of my busy day and pick it up. Don’t worry about it, just go home.
Mina: I’m really sorry. I don’t know why it’s not working.
Mina: Danny, please - I’ll just go home and grab some cash and come back. Don’t worry about stopping.
Danny: Too late. I’m already on my way. I’ll do YOUR job for you. The only one you had to do today.
Danny: Just go home.
Danny: What have you ever done for ME?
Mina: ?
Danny: So busy you can’t respond with more than a ‘?’ ??
Mina: Sorry, my hands were wet. What do you mean?
Danny: Apparently nothing important since you can’t be bothered to respond with more than a symbol.
Mina: Please Danny, I didn’t want you to think I was ignoring you. I’m listening now. Please tell me what you were asking.
Danny: I had lunch with some co-workers today. MARRIED co-workers. It turns out, they all have these amazing wives who do all this shit for them, and it really bothered me because I don’t feel like you’re putting in any effort here. I do EVERYTHING for you. I gave you a nice home, put food in your belly, buy you clothes, gave you a car, take you out to fancy dinners, CONSTANTLY tell you how much I love you. But I can’t think of a goddamn thing that you do for me to show that you care. It was fucking depressing to sit at that table and realize that my friends have these amazing relationships, but I have to practically beg for an ounce of attention from you.
Mina: Danny, I don’t know what to say. I try to make you happy. I make you lunch every day to take to work, dinner is always ready, I clean the house, do your laundry. I’m sorry that you feel like you’re not getting enough from me.
Danny: Those are your JOBS. You don’t do those for me because you want to, you do those things because we agreed that since I’m here working as the sole-provider, you’d take care of those kinds of things. But what do you do for ME that’s only for me? I have to practically beg for sex, and when we do have sex, it’s only because I’m the one that instigates it. It really makes me feel unloved when you don’t instigate.
Mina: I don’t know what to say…
Danny: Of course not, because you never even try to put me first. It’d be nice to come home once in a while and have my wife let me know that she’s attracted to me. It’ll make me feel less like a dog panting over a treat. It’ll make me feel wanted.
Mina: Okay, I’ll try to do that for you.
Danny: Well don’t let me make you work too hard there, Mina. You shouldn’t have to TRY to have sex with your husband. You should WANT to. Just don’t even bother if it’s too much of an inconvenience.
Mina: I’m not talking to anyone right now, Danny.