“Not at all,” I promptly replied since I understood too well what she meant. I had felt that way my entire life in one way or another. At Brown, I was the poor girl trying to fit in, always feeling like a fraud next to everybody else who seemed to naturally understand how to act or be. “But I’m sure it’s not true.”
“It’s a whole new world,” Laney pointed out, dipping her crust into a cup of ranch dressing. “There’s a lot to get used to. Like, they actually make fresh sushi for lunch. Who does that?”
“I had the most delicious, freshly made waffle yesterday for breakfast,” Barbara said with a happy sigh. “That, I could get used to. What a shame I’m afraid to.”
“I don’t know about any of you, but I’m going to take advantage of that gym.” Brad Brooks grinned my way from the other side of the table. Before the Diamond buyout, he had always been the office heartthrob. Barely over thirty, an all-American hunk with the body of a pro athlete, thanks to all the time he spent in the gym. “It’s going to save me a hell of a lot of money in fees, and the equipment is top-of-the-line.”
“And they cover school costs,” I pointed out now that he had gotten me thinking along those lines. “So if anybody wants to go back to school and get their masters, this is the time to do it. I know they offer childcare vouchers too, don’t they?” I asked, looking at Molly and thinking of her twin girls.
“That’s true. It’s a huge help.” She pretended to wipe sweat from her forehead. “There are definitely more positives than negatives to the situation. We have a lot to be grateful for.”
Still, the energy around the table was a little low as we wrapped up our meal and settled the check. My heart sank at the sight of their worried expressions. There was nothing I could say to ease their worries.
Brad took his time getting up from his seat, and I knew why before our eyes met. There was a time when I had considered going out with him since he had never bothered to hide his interest. For the sake of work, he always kept things professional, but there was something to be said for the lyrics of that old Bonnie Raitt song. He laughed a little too loud and stood a little too close, and right now, he was staring openly, hanging on my every move.
Normally, I was only a little put off by how obvious he acted. I didn’t take it personally in a bad way—he was a nice guy, and he never pushed. For some reason, today, of all days, I was not in the mood to perform our little dance.
“You’re doing your best,” he told me in his usual overly-familiar manner, patting my arm as I slung my purse over my shoulder. “I know everybody appreciates you getting some of us together to check in.”
“I wish more of us could get together,” I admitted, politely ignoring the intimacy in his touch. “But I get the feeling we are a pretty decent cross-section of the group as a whole. Everybody’s wondering where their place is in the grand scheme of things.”
“It’s growing pains. They’ll get over it.” I had never met anyone as confident as him, but was this confidence or arrogance? There was a fine line.
Arrogance naturally brought a certain man to mind as we left the restaurant. I could be blocks away, walking with my friends and trying not to sweat to death, and Lucian managed to take control of my thoughts. He had way too much power over me.
I didn’t need to be thinking about him now. What mattered was finding a way to make my people feel more comfortable. As the highest-ranking employee included in the buyout, I sort of felt responsible for them.
Laney must have read my quiet attitude accurately. She knew the odd relationship I had with Brad and how his attention could be equal parts flattering and irritating. That was why she wedged herself between us on the sidewalk and linked an arm around mine, winking at me. “Any plans for the weekend?” she asked, distracting Brad and giving me a little peace. I tuned them out while mulling over the issue at the front of my mind.Forget Lucian.My people needed help.
By the time we reached our building and made it to the top floor, my mind was made up. We needed an event. Something small but more relaxed than thewelcome to the familyevent we had to sit through on our first day. What a strange experience that had been, but then I was a little too interested in Lucian to pay much attention. I doubted I missed much.
Everybody split up, heading to their desks, while I hesitated near the elevator. Connor’s office was clearly visible from where I stood, and it looked like we might have just missed crossing paths with him.
He removed his navy suit jacket and hung it over the back of a chair, then rolled up his shirt sleeves. I might be able to catch him before he got busy.
This would either be a great idea or a grave mistake that left me wishing I was never born. It was too late for second thoughts as I marched across the floor, remembering how sad and scared Barbara was. How nervous Chuck sounded.
Connor’s assistant hadn’t returned to her desk yet, meaning there was nobody to stop me from approaching the office door and knocking against the glass. This was it. No turning back now. Sometimes, it was a matter of acting before my brain could stop me.
That didn’t make it easier to go through with entering the CEO’s office once he waved me in, wearing a friendly grin. “Ivy. I’m so glad you caught me. I’ve been meaning to ask how things are going with Lucian and how the two of you are working together.”
Weweren’tworking together. That was one of my many problems. While I’d sent him my analytics reports and offered a list of ideas for how to apply my tactics to the current slew of sites owned by the company, Lucian had barely acknowledged my efforts. Should I mention that, or would it come off too whiny? “Things are going well,” I lied, taking the safer bet. “I’m looking forward to our first official meeting with the team on Monday. But I had something I wanted to run past you now.”
“What can I do for you?”
Good question. So this is how a deer feels when the headlights bear down on them. “I had an idea. You’re free to shoot me down, of course.”Great lead-in, genius. He’s the fucking CEO. He can tell you to get your shit together and leave too. “After chatting with some of my coworkers from Jones, I wonder if a small retreat might help them feel like they’re gelling with the rest of the company. A way for us to spend time together offsite, to do team building exercises and that sort of thing. I realize it sounds trite?—”
“Don’t,” he warned, shaking his head after cutting me off.
“Pardon?” I squeaked out.Cool. Now, you sound like a cartoon character.
“Don’t put your own ideas down before you’ve finished expressing them, and certainly never in the presence of the person you’re attempting to convince.” He lowered his brow, his mouth twitching into the beginning of a grin. “Got it?”
“Got it. Thank you.” He wasn’t a bad guy. A little intimidating, but not bad. “I haven’t put any actual planning into the idea. It only occurred to me within the last minute or so.”
Now he grinned full-out, looking me up and down. “I’m impressed. You have a flash of inspiration and jump into action. Too many people talk themselves out of what might be a genius idea. How many genius ideas never see the light of day?”
“That’s a good point.” And now I felt much more relaxed. He hadn’t agreed, but he hadn’t shot me down, either. I decided to take it as a positive sign. “What do you think? It wouldn’t have to be anything lavish. We might be able to find space at a hotel somewhere in the area or…” I didn’t know what else to say. He made a good point about getting fear out of the way and rushing headfirst into the unknown, but there was something to be said for preparation.