Page 5 of Sensual Games



It wasn’t a surprise to find Ivy sitting at her desk by the time I arrived at the office for an early breakfast meeting with my father. Our usual Wednesday ritual in the few weeks since the Jones Media buyout was struck, when he had brought me on in an official capacity as opposed to the summers I’d interned here. I was under no illusions—this was not a means of solidifying our relationship or anything like that. He liked to get a look at me and wanted to make sure I wasn’t letting my nighttime activities get in the way of what needed to be done during the day.

When exactly did a person become old enough to become a complete hypocrite? It was either that, or he couldn’t remember the shit he’d gotten up to in his day. Considering his memory was as sharp as ever, so sharp it made me hate him when he would bring up something I said or did years ago for the sake of winning an argument, I’d have to lean on hypocrisy as the winning theory.

I had asked my mother about it once, around the time I graduated college, and she had laughed it off. It was all part of getting older. Mellowing out, with the memories mellowing too. Like he had never gotten home, showered, then gone to the office without catching a wink of sleep.

In other words, my nerves were already on edge because I knew how closely he would scrutinize me when I reached his office at eight sharp. Finding Ivy bright and chipper, already pounding away on her keyboard when I arrived, didn’t make things much better.

Though she was easy on the eyes. Much nicer to look at than my old man. With her shining blonde hair pulled back in a low bun, I admired the graceful lines of her neck. Like a swan. Something that had first caught my attention at the country club before those eyes of hers had pierced me.

And she hadn’t known who I was? How was that possible? The only child of a billionaire media mogul. Did she not pay attention to that sort of thing? Granted, I’d managed to keep my name out of the papers and tabloids, if only to keep from getting flayed alive. And she didn’t come from my world. Billionaires were probably as familiar to her as long-term relationships were to me. Maybe it was possible… or maybe she would say anything to cover her ass. I couldn’t be sure.

She noticed me sizing her up on my way out of my office. Her head turned, her lips curving in a cheerful smile. “Good morning, Mr. Diamond,” she chirped. It was almost enough to make me stumble, knocked off-balance by her attitude.

What was she playing at? It wasn’t a matter of only being professional. A simple greeting would have covered the bases. No, she had to go above and beyond, swiveling in her chair to follow my progress past her desk.

“Good morning, Poison,” I murmured, keeping my voice low in case there was anyone nearby to hear.

Her eyes hardened before she widened her smile until it went brittle. “Is there anything I can do for you this morning? It looks like you have a meeting with your father in a few minutes. Do you need to be prepared?”

I knew how to silence that smart mouth. An image of her on her knees with a mouth full of my cock sprang to mind. “I think I can handle it,” I told her, my voice coming out a little gruff.

“You sure?” she asked, head tipping to the side. “I’m only trying to find ways to help you learn the ropes of your new position.”

Throwing my words in my face. Wasn’t she in a mood today. Only the thought of what she could report back to Dad kept me from telling her to fuck off if she knew what was good for her before continuing past her desk without a word, heading to the opposite corner of the floor, where Dad’s office sat. She snorted softly behind me, but I pretended to ignore it, continuing down the hall while reminding myself of my place. She was nothing, nobody. A good lay with a tight pussy. A dime a dozen, in other words.

What a shame she looked so damn good in those suits she wore—slim cut, hugging her every curve. The universe was throwing me a bone, giving me something to look at as I suffered the indignity of some nobody with great tits taunting me from her desk. Not that she had to actively taunt me. Her mere presence was enough to remind me of how I fell short in my father’s eyes.

Dad’s assistant offered a warm smile as I approached her desk in front of his office. “Good morning, Lucian. Your father is waiting for you.” Cynthia had been with Dad for as long as I could remember and was practically a part of the family. She sized me up with a practiced eye as I passed her desk. “Is that a new suit? It’s very well-tailored.”

“Thank you. Picked it up last week.” I checked out the fresh, colorful bouquet on her desk and arched an eyebrow. “New boyfriend?”

“Now, you know I’m taken,” she chided with a soft laugh. “Twenty-two years and counting.”

“If only I were a little older…” I sighed, snapping my fingers like I was disappointed. This was our harmless game, reaching back to my interning days. It made Dad grind his teeth, which was a big part of why I continued teasing her—as if I’d end up getting the company sued for harassment or something.

The man had a habit of walking around almost silently. Out of nowhere, he appeared in his open doorway, wearing an exasperated grin. “Could you please stop charming Cynthia so she can get her morning started?” he nearly growled out, waving me into the room.

I looked over my shoulder to where Cynthia’s lips twitched as she tried and failed to hold back a grin. “You hear the way he talks to me?” I whispered, and she laughed behind her hand, shaking her head.

Once we were alone, Dad shook his head too. “You seem to be in a pretty good mood this morning,” he observed, pressing the button on his desk, which turned the clear glass walls opaque for the sake of privacy. “I take it that means you had a successful evening.”

Any goodwill flowing through me died a quick death at the sound of his voice and the disapproval in it. “I had an early evening, now that you mention it.” I joined him at the small table in the far corner of the room, where he sometimes took meetings during meal times. Our customary breakfast was spread out and waiting for us. Bagels, cream cheese, and smoked salmon. There was plenty of hot coffee in an insulated carafe, along with orange juice and fresh fruit salad.

“Turning over a new leaf?” Why the hell was there so much enthusiasm in the question? Jesus Christ. He couldn’t be more transparent if he tried.

I had no idea what the hell my personal life had to do with him. He hadn’t given a shit since I moved into my own Upper West Side apartment when I was nineteen. Why did he care now? Since I wasn’t in the mood for an hour-long lecture, I didn’t bother asking.

Instead, I settled for shrugging, taking a seat, and pouring coffee. “I’m the lone wolf now,” I explained with another shrug.

“You know, I was thinking about that just the other day.”

Again, did he have nothing better to think about? “Let me guess,” I ventured with a smirk, glancing up at him while smearing a thick layer of cream cheese on a bagel. I didn’t eat breakfast often, but when I did, I liked to go all in. “You and Mom had a nice, long discussion about me over a bottle of wine. You’ve decided now that since my friends have gotten involved and are starting to get married and all that, it’s my turn.”

“You don’t have to sound condescending,” he warned, fixing his own bagel.