Page 47 of Lady Death

Ghost returned to staring through the binoculars as they waited for their prey.

“How do you know if you’re in love?”

Ghost glanced over at him. “Tell me this,” he said. “If she were to disappear, what would you do?”

He didn’t even have to hesitate. “I’d find her.”

“And if she were to die?”

His body went cold, and every part of his soul cried outagainst the visual in his head. No, she couldn’t ever leave him. Not by walking away and certainly not by death. He’d fight the Grim Reaper down and dirty to save her.

“Yep,” Ghost said, returning to his vigil.

“What does that mean?”

“It means you love her.”

Ronin blinked. Did he? Shit. He loved her?When did that fucking happen?

“Heads up,” Ghost said. “We’ve got movement.”

Ronin immediately snapped to attention. Keres had to be regulated to the back of his mind, at least until after this job was finished. He’d been contracted for this hit, but with his damn head injury, Ghost had come with him just in case.

The sooner he got this business over with, the sooner he could go back to Keres.


One moment she was in dreamland. The next, Ronin slid into bed next to her and gathered her into his arms.

“Ronin?” she asked.

“Yeah, babe, it’s me. Sorry to have woken you up.”

“What time is it?”

“Late. Go back to sleep.”

“Okay,” she mumbled, and fell back into oblivion.

The next morning, she was woken by the shrill cry of a phone. Beside her, Ronin stirred and reached for his cell. She went back to dozing until his words sank in, then she sat up, concerned.

“Vivi? Why are you calling … what? No, he’s probably at the clubhouse. Hold on, hold on.” Ronin hit the speakerphone on his cell. “Go ahead, Vivi. Keres is here.”

“I can’t find him, Ronin.” The desperation in her voice was palpable. “Brim hasn’t seen him. Parker hasn’t seen him.Nobody’s seen him since last night.”

“Have you called his cell?”

“I’m not stupid,” she snapped, which wasn’t like her at all. “Sorry. I’ve driven around, went to all the places I thought he’d be. He’s not answering his calls or texts. I’ve called everyone. Please help me.”

“Okay,” he said. “Get to the clubhouse. I’ll call Brim and have everyone meet in church.”

He hung up and turned to Keres.

“We have to get to the clubhouse ASAP.”

She nodded and got out of bed to dress. She didn’t even bother showering. Ten minutes later, they hurried out the door and jumped on his bike. Ronin gunned it and before she knew it, they were at the Death Riders compound. As soon as they stepped inside, Keres saw the men were already mobilized. She spotted Vivi sitting down, crying, and heading toward her.

“Can Mac ping his phone?” Thorn asked.