Page 44 of Lady Death

He shook his head in amusement. “You’re funny.”

“Does this job involve killing people?”

He sighed as he ran a finger down her cheek. They stared at one another.

“Yes,” he replied.

She thought about that. “Do you kill innocent people?”

“Does it matter?” He turned back to the closet and grabbed a black t-shirt. “You know I’m not a good guy.”


“Hell, no. That I won’t do.”


“Why do people automatically assume women are innocent creatures? They can do bad things just like a man can.” He cocked his head as he studied her. “Is this a deal breaker?”

A deal breaker for… them?

She and Ronin had never talked about a commitment to each other, and even if there was, nothing was ever just black and white. Good or bad. Victim or perpetrator. She could walk away, wash her hands of all this. Leave the city and go somewhere far away where no one knew her. Where Davorin couldn’t find her and accept that Abigail was avenged and Darby was gone.


She focused back on him.

“You having second thoughts?”

“On what?”

His brow furrowed. “On us.”

“Is there an us?”

He grabbed her arms and hauled her up, bringing her in flush against his body. His gaze fell to her lips and she licked them, suddenly dry. He bent and pressed his lips softly to hers. Nibbled on her lower lip as she trembled. His kisses stole her thoughts. When they surfaced for air, she blinked up at him.

“God, I love kissing you,” he murmured. “And yes. You and me. Us.”

She opened her mouth to respond, but the doorbell rang.

“You expecting company?”

“Yeah,” he said. “It’s Vivi and Adira.”

When the doorbell chimed again, she left his arms and threw on a robe before hurrying down the staircase. When she opened it, Vivi gave a little squeal and rushed to hug her.

“Yay! Girls’ day!” she squealed. “No boys allowed. Except if they’re gyrating men wearing sexy G-strings I can stick dollar bills in.”

“I don’t think Lincoln would like that,” Adira told her.

“Probably not.” She held up a bag. “I brought cake.”

Keres waved them inside and shut the door. Ronin came down the staircase, slipping on his leather cut.

“Hello, girls,” he greeted, smiling at them. “Thanks for coming to keep Keres company.”

“Yeah,” she said dryly. “Apparently I’m not old enough to be all alone in the house.”