“Do you believe in an afterlife?” he asked.
“I want to. I hope there’s one.”
Ronin placed his head on top of hers, holding her tightly as she sobbed out her sorrow. She’d lost so much, what else was she going to lose? Fear shot straight into her heart because she didn’t think she could handle any more pain.
The world just takes and takes, she thought. Her soul felt diamond thin. Even the hardest stone can experience damage when subjected to enough forceful blows or violent impacts, and she had no idea how to mend her broken heart.
She fell into an unrestful sleep, dreams of her rape interwoven with Darby’s death. Nightmares held court in her mind, unceasing. Unyielding. When she finally woke up, she realized she was alone and sat up, wincing at a slight headache she had from crying. She had a therapy appointment and needed to use the bathroom before she sat down and connected with Kori. Rising, she left the room, looking up and down the hallway, and then made a beeline to the bathroom.
Typical men. The toilet seat was up. There were questionable stains in front of the commode. No hand towel. No soap. Did that mean they never washed their hands after … well,after?
Backing up, she closed the door and went searching for a less gross bathroom.
“Hey,” a voice said.
She startled and spun. A tall, tattooed man with dark brown eyes stood behind her. On his biker vest was a rosewith large thorns stitched into the leather with the word “Vice President” above it.
“Sorry,” he chuckled. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s okay. I was looking for a cleaner bathroom.”
He stuck his hand out. “I’m Thorn.”
She glanced at it, wondering if he had washed or not.
“I don’t use that bathroom,” he said, as if reading her mind.
Heat engulfed her cheeks as she placed her hand in his and shook it. “Keres.”
“Ronin told us you were here. Nice to meet you. Let me show you the bathroom the girls use. It’s a lot cleaner.”
He led the way to the back of the hallway and gestured to a door. When Keres opened it, pink greeted her. Pink walls. Pink throw rug. Pink window drapes. It was like stepping into theBarbiemovie.
“We had to rebuild the clubhouse, and the old ladies put their feet down about their own bathroom space. They painted it pink so no man in this club would enter.” He looked around and gave a little shudder. “In any case, there’re towels in the closet and all kinds of toiletries. Help yourself.”
She smiled. “Thank you.”
He saluted and left. Keres entered then closed and locked the door behind her. Grabbing a pink folded towel, she shucked Ronin’s t-shirt and stepped into the shower. Several bottles of bodywash, shampoo, and conditioners were in the stall. Hoping the wives wouldn’t be too mad, she washed her body and hair. When she stepped out of the shower, she felt better since the headache had gone away. She patted herself dry and used the hair dryer only until her hair was a little damp, allowing it to dry fully on its own. She found some spray deodorant and a brand-new toothbrush in the package. Cleaning her teeth had never felt so good. When she was done, she unlocked the door and cameface to face with Ronin.
“You okay?” he asked.
It was a loaded question. Was she? Not entirely, but she felt as if a weight had lifted off her shoulders. The guilt didn’t feel quite as heavy as before.
“I’m better.”
He nodded, then moved a bit closer to her, as if he couldn’t stay away.
“I’m going to kiss you now. Tell me if it’s too much.”
A quiver ran through her whole body. “Okay.”
Ronin searched her face, and then a moment later, he stepped into her sphere and slid one arm around her waist and pulled her into him. His other hand slid under her hair and tilted her head back. In the next heartbeat he slammed his mouth down on hers. Then he picked her up and walked her back into the bathroom, kicking the door shut behind him.
They were voracious. She didn’t know how he did it, but the ice in her heart thawed enough to allow her to feel warm tingles radiating out as the poison slowly drained from her veins. Her pussy grew slick, her breasts became tender, and she ached to have him inside her. What was he doing to her? How could she be so wonton for him?
He lifted her up and sat her on the counter. With a raised brow, he slid his hands up her side, pulling the t-shirt up as they traveled, freeing her breasts to his burning gaze. She wasn’t large, but they fit his palms perfectly. Keres wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close. His tongue snaked into her mouth, claiming her own. Heat and need rushed through her. Wild and desperate, she parted her thighs as he stepped in close.
The bathroom door opened and a startled gasp immediately brought Keres out of the haze of desire. She gasped and tried to slam her legs closed, but Ronin’s big body prevented that.