Page 27 of Lady Death

“Youareweird,” he said, disappearing into another room before Keres could hear any more.

“That was, um, interesting,” she remarked.

“Don’t worry, he knows how to handle her,” Leia said with a smile. “Just don’t eat anything she cooks. Not worth yourstomach being pumped. Come on, let me show you upstairs so you can get comfortable. You’re about the same size as me so I’ll bring some clothes for you tomorrow.”

She prattled on more, but Keres’s mind was quickly shutting down, wanting this day to end. Wishing she could have a do-over. Would she stop her need for vengeance knowing Darby would die? She didn’t know how to answer that, and it scared her that she didn’t believe so.

So, what did that make her?


Brim waited about two point three seconds after the door closed behind the women to lay into the questions.

“What the hell, Ronin?”

“What did you expect me to do? Let her be killed?”

“People die every fucking day.”

“Not her!”

Brim sat back in his office chair, doing that shrewd contemplation look. “I see.”

“Don’t,” Ronin muttered, running a hand through his hair. “Don’t psychoanalyze me.”

A long pause of silence stretched between them, and Ronin began to question his actions. The stalking. Bringing her into his sanctuary. It all led to him wondering why he brought Keres here. He could’ve just as easily dumped her into the huge house he rarely used. He didn’t owe her a damn thing, so nothing made sense.

“Fine.” Brim slid a folder forward. “I have another job for you. Should be easy—”

“No,” Ronin said, cutting him off.


“My head wouldn’t be in the right place. Not until this situation with Davorin is resolved.”

“You care about her that much?” Brim asked.

“I don’t care about her,” Ronin replied quickly. Perhaps a littletooquick.

“Your actions say otherwise.”

He sighed and leaned back, tilting his head so he could look at the ceiling. “I don’t know what the fuck is happening right now. She means nothing to me, but … damn it.”

“All right.” Brim took back the folder. “You’re right, your head isn’t in the right frame of mind to take on another contract. I’ll ask Ghost to take it.”

Ronin sighed and rubbed his temples, trying to ease the headache forming. Trying to figure out how he’d gotten to this point. “Tell him he can use my loft to research the mark.”

“Will do. And Ronin, if you need help, just ask.”

“Thanks,” he muttered, then he left the office to track down his girl.

Chapter Fourteen

Keres sat on the bed and looked around the room. It was quite different from what one would expect from a motorcycle club. Cleaner. Less pot stench. In fact, everything looked brand new. Even the shag carpet. She never would’ve pegged Ronin part of this world because he seemed like a loner, not a team player.

What did she do now? Once again, her life had fractured apart. She couldn’t save the man who had saved her. Was it worth it? Sitting here, she didn’t think so. Despite what they had promised each other, nothing was worth another life. Not worth Darby’s life. Tears leaked from her eyes, tracking down her cheeks, and she felt like an utter failure.

The door opened and Ronin stepped into the room, locking it behind him. They stared at one another, and she was suddenly floundering. Not sure of what to do, what to think. All she knew was that she needed something, so she held out her shaking hand. His pale green eyes snapped to her face, searching for what she didn’t know. The minutes stretched endlessly, and then he moved, grabbing her hand and pulling her into his arms. His mouth slammed down on hers, breathing life into her shattered heart.