“Please!” she begged in an airy whisper.
“You taste so sweet,” he breathed against her lips. “I can’t stay away from you. Can’t get enough of you.” He kissed her throat, licking across her skin. “Pull up your sports bra.”
Keres wiggled until she was able to do as he commanded, slipping her bra upward so her breasts spilled forth. Ronin bent his head to take one taut bud into his mouth, pinching it slightly with his teeth. Suckling it until her back arched and an ache formed between her legs. Back and forth, playing with each nipple until she was nothing more than a panting mess. There came a point when they both needed more. He pulled back,enough for her to drop her legs, and then he came right back into the heat of her body. Touching. Kissing. Both explored as they pulled clothes off each other. Once again, she waited for the panic to set in, for the fear that robbed her of sanity. But … nothing. All she felt was excitement and desire.
He yanked her gym shorts down, taking off her sneakers to free each leg, while she was busy unbuckling his black cargo pants. She eased the zipper down over the erection straining against the front. The shaft was long and thick, and the tip leaked clear pre-cum. Keres pumped it, and she couldn’t help but remember the last time she’d seen a cock.
No, she shut down that road of memories. Not here. Not now. There was a time and a place to work through all that shit, and it certainly wasn’t when this gorgeous man was spreading her pussy lips with his fingers. An unbelievable wave of pleasure washed over her body, and she couldn’t stop the moan that spilled from her mouth.
“More?” he asked, his tone low and almost guttural.
“Oh, yes,” she breathed. “Please. More.”
Doing as she asked, Ronin slid another finger into her and started pumping them in and out. Slow at first, gaining rhythm. Keres’s back arched as she inched closer and closer to an orgasm. Her eyes shut tight as she felt herself almost tip over the edge, only to have him stop.
“With me, baby,” he murmured against her mouth.
He let go of her only long enough to pull out his wallet from his back pocket, where he had a condom stashed. She watched him slide it down his hard length and then a moment later, he lifted her up to hold her once more against the wall. Ronin spread her legs, using his body to hold her in place as he reached between them to position himself against her entrance.
“Why’d you stop?” she panted.
“You with me?”
She understood the unasked message. Did she give him permission? “Yes,” she murmured.
That was all he needed, filling her up with a hard thrust. Wrapping her legs around his waist, as he penetrated her deeper and deeper. Consuming her. Erasing the demons that stood around them, poised to drag her back under. Keres quickly realized she couldn’t hold back any longer. He pounded into her, but she didn’t feel the wall behind her. Instead, she shouted his name, wanted him to move faster, go deeper, make her come like she never had before.
Ronin grunted as he buried inside her body, coming with a shudder. That triggered her own climax, and she exploded. Keres tossed her head back in ecstasy, feeling her body reach a pleasure high she had never felt before.
When they finally came down, Ronin pulled out and let her down but didn’t let go of her hips. He rested his forehead against hers as he tried to bring his breathing under control. She was in a state of semiconsciousness, having never come so hard, with or without a partner. Tiny shudders shot across her nerves with a hazy shade of bliss.
Ronin reached down to take off the condom. He tied it off before putting himself back into his pants and zipping up. She stood there, watching him, not moving as the reality of what just happened flashed through her mind.
Oh, God! What have I done?
As quickly as possible, she grabbed her clothes to dress. She needed to get out of there. Away from him and what just happened, the present memories that battled the ugly ones from her past.
“You need to go,” she snapped, adjusting herself in her sports bra. In one swift move, she stepped into her shorts and pulled them up.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, frowning.
“I just need you to go.” She pushed him toward the door. “Go away and don’t come back. I mean it this time, Ronin. Please don’t come back.”
He frowned and opened his mouth to argue, but a heartbeat later, he closed it. He studied her expression, tilting his head as if trying to understand. He seemed to have come to a decision, or at least a conclusion, and backed away. Then, he was gone.
Just like that.
Chapter Nine
Moving on autopilot, the next few days seemed to blend as Keres tried to move past the memories of her and Ronin and their tryst. At the gym, she mostly ran the front end, only doing her own workout at night after the doors were locked. Part of her expected and wanted him to come walking out of the women’s locker room again. Another part of her hoped he didn’t.
She obviously didn’t tell Darby what had happened. How could she when she still couldn’t wrap her mind around it? His kisses. His touches. The feeling of him driving into her body as she climaxed around him. Keres shook her head, trying to clear it.Damn him!
Clearly, Ronin was in her thoughts all the damn time. He was with her in the shower. In her dreams. As she walked down the street to buy a cup of overpriced coffee. The early morning sun was hidden behind a bank of clouds, allowing a cool breeze to roll over her skin. Keres shivered a little and stuck her hands in her jeans’ pockets. She’d woken up early again, after another erotic dream about Ronin. Damn him.
She wasn’t sure why she even thought about him. He’d been a one and done. A release of emotion that had been too raw to contain. It’s what therapy was trying to do, and without even realizing it, he’d put the nightmare monster to sleep. For a time. Maybe that’s the only peace she’d ever find, limited amounts where she didn’t flinch when thinking about the past. Or hyperventilate when picturinga future. For a long while now, she’d been treading water. Pretty soon she was either going to sink or swim, and she didn’t know which way she was going to go.