Abram's hand shoots out, gripping the man's jaw. "Wrong answer."
I watch in horror as Abram's fist connects with the man's stomach. The sickening thud of flesh on flesh echoes in the room, followed by a wheezing gasp.
This is a nightmare,I think, unable to tear my eyes away.This can't be real.
Vladimir chuckles, the sound sending shivers down my spine. "Brother, make him sing."
Abram nods, his face a mask of cold fury as he reaches for something on a nearby table. The glint of metal catches my eye—pliers.
"No," I breathe, bile rising in my throat.
But he can't hear my near-silent protest. As he approaches the trembling man, I see a stranger wearing my lover's face. This isn't the Abram I know—the one who holds me tenderly, who laughs at my terrible jokes. This is someone else entirely, someone dangerous and cruel.
"Last chance," Abram says, his voice devoid of emotion. "Where is the shipment?"
The man's terrified whimpers fill the air, and I clamp a hand over my mouth to stifle my own cry. How could I have been so blind? How could I not have seen this darkness lurking beneath Abram's surface?
As Abram raises the pliers, a sob escapes me, muffled but unmistakable in the tense silence.
My heart hammers against my ribcage as Abram's head snaps toward the sound. Our eyes lock for a split second, his widening in shock. I don't wait to see what happens next.
"Shit!" I gasp, my legs already carrying me away from the horrific scene.
I tear down the dimly lit hallway, my breath coming in ragged pants. The sound of raised voices and heavy footsteps echo behind me, spurring me on faster.
"Zara! Wait!" Abram's voice booms, but it only fuels my panic.
I burst through a side door, the cool night air hitting my flushed skin. My car. I need to get to my car. My trembling hands fumble with the keys as I sprint across the parking lot.
"Come on, come on," I mutter, trying to get to my car. From the corner of my car, I see Abram emerge from the building, his face a mixture of anger and desperation.
"Zara, please! Let me explain!" he screams.
I don’t stop.
And then, a flash of movement catches my attention. A large, black van appears behind me, driving alongside me as I run.
“Zara!” Abram screams out in warning.
My heart leaps into my throat as it pulls up beside me, then swerves, cutting off the way forward. I try to turn back, but the doors swing open and hands grab at me.
"No! Let me go!" I scream, my voice cracking with fear as strong arms yank me toward the waiting van. My heels dig into the ground, desperation lending me a strength I never knew I had.
Abram's voice is a distant echo, drowned out by the hammering of my heart in my ears.
The men hauling me inside are rough, their faces full of malice. I kick and struggle, every fiber of my being screaming for escape.
"Quiet, little bird," one of them growls, a cruel sneer in his voice as he comes at me with a mouth gag, while another, with a large scar on his face, ties my hands behind my back.
And then, the van doors slam shut, throwing the world outside and Abram’s cries for me into darkness.
Chapter 15 - Abram
A sob pierces the air, shattering the sanctity of this place I thought was safe. I freeze, the pliers in my hand suddenly heavy as lead. I turn toward the door, my heart pounding in my chest.
There she stands—Zara, her face as pale as fresh snow, her eyes wide with horror. My beautiful, innocent Zara. The sight of her hits me like a punch to the gut, knocking the wind out of me.
Her gaze is fixed on the bloody scene behind me. I step forward to explain.