My heart lifted at the news. Serra had become a second mother to me during those dark days after escaping the Temple. Her strength and wisdom had helped guide me through the transition from prisoner to freedom.

“Your dress is ready, my lady.” Mistress Downin emerged from the adjacent chamber, followed by Lesrey and Yezzette carrying carefully wrapped packages. “Though I must say, combining Shakai and human traditions was quite the challenge.”

“But worth it,” Lita declared, setting the last crystal in place. “There. Perfect.”

I rose on shaky legs as they began unwrapping the dress. The silk shimmered like captured starlight, traditional Shakai blue shot through with threads of silver. But the cut followed human lines - fitted through the bodice before flowing into full skirts perfect for dancing.

“It's beautiful.” My voice cracked with emotion.

“As are you.” Serra’s voice drew my attention to the doorway. She carried something draped across her arms - delicate lace more like a cloud than fabric. “I brought something, if you’d like...”

“The veil!” Denna clapped her hands. “It’s perfect!”

I touched the fragile fabric reverently. “Serra, I can’t...”

“You can and you will.” She smiled, eyes suspiciously bright. “I’ve been saving this for a daughter’s wedding day.” She turned to hug Mila. “I couldn’t help missing this daughter’s wedding, and while you may not be mine by blood, you are in every way that matters.”

Tears threatened. Lita made a scolding noise. “None of that! You’ll ruin all our hard work.”

Someone rapped sharply on the door, making us all jump. Lita called out, “Unless you're the king himself, go away!”

“Then it’s fortunate I am.” Sarl’s familiar voice held amusement. “May I have a moment with my future daughter?”

King Sarl entered slowly, illness evident in his careful movements. But his smile was warm as he took in the organized chaos of the chamber.

“Ladies.” He nodded to my attendants before focusing on me. “I brought something, if you’ll permit me...”

He opened an ornate box to reveal a pair of earrings - delicate silver filigree supporting deep blue stones that caught and held the light.

“They belonged to my grandmother,” he explained. “Kiha never cared for them - too simple for her tastes. But I think they suit you perfectly.”

“Thank you.” I touched the gems reverently. “They’re beautiful.”

“As you will be.” He pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead. “I look forward to officially welcoming you to our family.”

After he left, the women descended on me again - helping me into the dress, arranging Serra’s veil, fixing the earrings in place. I barely recognized myself in the mirror.

“Ready?” Lita asked softly.

I nodded, too choked with emotion to speak. Together, we left the chambers that had been mine these past months, heading toward my future.

The great hall had been transformed. Sunlight streamed through tall windows, catching the crystal decorations and sending rainbow sparkles dancing across the gathered crowd. Nobles in their finest silks stood alongside merchants and craftspeople, while a delegation from Terr occupied places of honor near the front.

Music swelled - an ancient Shakai melody woven through with human harmonies. My heart tripped as I caught sight of Tharon waiting at the end of the aisle. His formal clothing emphasized his warrior’s build, but his expression...

I’d seen that look before, that mix of possessiveness and awe. The beast stirred visibly beneath his skin as our eyes met.

Step by careful step, I approached. The crowd faded away until there was only us - man and woman, human and Shakai, about to bridge generations of mistrust with our love.

King Sarl’s voice rang out, beginning the ceremony that would bind us forever. We spoke the traditional words, added our own promises. When Tharon’s hands clasped mine, his beast’s purr vibrated through both of us.

“You are mine,” he growled as the binding ribbon was wrapped around our joined hands. “As I am yours.”

“Always,” I whispered back.

The rest passed in a blur - congratulations from nobles and commoners alike, toasts and speeches, music and dancing. I caught glimpses of familiar faces throughout - Mahra’s proud smile, Bavak’s enthusiastic applause, Serra wiping tears as she embraced Mila.

But always, always, I remained aware of Tharon. His hand at my waist as we danced, his growl when other men approached, his heated gaze promising things for later.