The beast stretched languidly, satisfied by her nearness.
“May I claim a dance with my new sister?” Drax appeared beside our chairs, offering his hand to Niam.
She glanced at me, eyebrow raised in question. I nodded encouragement.
“Of course.” She rose smoothly. “Though I warn you, I’m still learning Shakai dances.”
“Then I shall teach you, as Lita taught me human ones.” He led her away while I moved back to the head of the room.
“She truly is remarkable.” Father’s quiet voice drew my attention.
“She is.” Pride filled my chest watching her execute the complex steps. “More than I deserve.”
“Perhaps.” He sipped his wine thoughtfully. “Or perhaps exactly what you need. What Zashi needs.”
Before I could respond, he continued. “The crown will pass to you soon, my son. I feel it in my bones. But I go to the ancestors easier knowing you will not rule alone.”
Emotion closed my throat. “Father...”
“Let us speak of lighter things.” He waved Drax and Niam back to the table. “Tell me how you met. I sense there is quite a tale there.”
We spent the next hour sharing carefully edited highlights of our journey. Father laughed openly at Niam’s description of our first meeting, while Drax and Lita added commentary from their own experiences with the Temple.
As the evening wore on, nobles began retiring in small groups. Finally, Father rose, signaling the official end of the celebration.
“Rest well,” he told us. “Tomorrow begins your new life.”
Servants led us to our chambers - a suite in the family wing with sweeping views of the city below. As the door closed behind us, Niam sank onto a cushioned bench.
“That went well, far better than expected,” she admitted.
“You were perfect.” I knelt before her, taking her hands in mine. “But I have one more tradition to observe.”
From my pocket I drew a small box carved from mountain heartwood. “Among our people, new mates exchange gifts representing their bond.”
She opened it carefully to reveal a delicate chain supporting a pendant of deepest blue - the same color as the mountain twilight when we first kissed.
“It’s beautiful,” she breathed.
“The stone comes from the highest peaks.” I fastened it around her neck. “Where few dare to climb. Like you, it appears delicate but holds incredible strength.”
Her fingers traced the pendant. “Thank you.”
I cupped her face in my hands. “Thank you for choosing me. For choosing us.”
Turning her head slightly, she kissed my palm. “Always.”
The morning sun painted my chambers in gold, marking three months since that first formal audience. Three months of learning, growing, changing. And today, finally claiming my place at Tharon’s side officially.
“Hold still!” Lita tugged at my hair, weaving tiny crystal beads through the strands that had grown just long enough to style. “I can’t get these placed right if you keep fidgeting.”
“Sorry.” I tried to breathe slowly. “I just...”
“We know.” Denna squeezed my hand from where she sat beside my dressing table. Her own golden curls had been styled in an elegant mix of Shakai and human braids. “But we’ve got you.”
Mila bustled in carrying an armload of flowers. “The gardens sent up the freshest blooms. And you’ll never guess who just arrived - Serra! She’s brought half of Eight Ring with her, I swear.”