His Valti’s purr rumbled through me as he drew me close. “You’re going to be amazing.”

“We both are.” I stretched up to brush a kiss across his jaw.

A servant’s discrete cough drew our attention. “The king awaits.”


The throne room opened before us, late-afternoon sunlight streaming through towering windows. Guards lined the approach, their ceremonial armor gleaming.

But this moment belonged to Niam.

She walked beside me with quiet grace, the blue silk of her dress whispering against marble floors. So different from my memories of past formal audiences - the rigid ceremony, the barely concealed political maneuvering. Niam brought something new, something real.

“My father is anxious to meet you,” I murmured as we approached the grand doors.

She straightened her back. “Then let’s not keep him waiting.”

The herald’s staff struck the floor three times, silencing the gathered nobles. “His Royal Highness Prince Tharon and his chosen mate, Lady Niam of Terr!”

King Sarl sat straight-backed on the throne despite his illness, silver-streaked hair bound in formal warrior braids. The crown of Zashi rested heavy on his brow, but his eyes remained sharp as he studied us.

“Welcome home, my son.” His gaze shifted to Niam. “And welcome, Lady Niam. We have heard much of your deeds.”

She sank into a graceful curtsy. “Your Majesty honors me.”

“Rise.” Father’s voice carried easily through the hall. “Tell me, what brings a daughter of Terr to seek her fate among the Shakai?”

My beast growled at the implied challenge, but Niam’s voice rang clear and steady. “Not fate, Your Majesty. Choice. I chose to break free of the Temple’s control. I chose to trust your son when he offered aid. And I choose now to stand before you, ready to serve Zashi.”

Murmurs rippled through the watching nobles. Father’s expression remained neutral, but I caught the spark of interest in his eyes.

“Bold words.” He leaned forward slightly. “And what would you bring to Zashi as its future queen?”

“Understanding,” she answered without hesitation. “For too long, fear and mistrust have divided human and Shakai. I would build bridges between our peoples, starting with trade agreements that benefit both sides.”

“You speak of trade when the Temple has fallen?” One of the older nobles stepped forward, challenge in his bearing. “When chaos threatens Terr?”

“I speak of opportunity.” Niam met his gaze steadily. “The Temple’s fall creates a vacuum. Better to fill it with cooperation than conflict.”

The beast purred approval at her strength. Around us, I noted subtle shifts in stance, expressions changing from skepticism to consideration.

Father sat back, studying her. “And what of our traditions? Our ways?”

“I would learn them.” She smiled slightly. “Already your son teaches me the beauty in Shakai culture. The strength in your warrior traditions. The wisdom in your ways.”

“And the beast?” Another noble called. “You would mate with a Valti, knowing what we are?”

My control slipped slightly at the blatant challenge. But Niam’s hand found mine, her touch anchoring.

“The beast is part of who he is.” Her voice carried conviction. “I accept all of him - warrior and prince, man and beast. As he accepts all of me.”

Silence fell. Father rose slowly from the throne, descending the steps with measured grace. He stopped before us, power radiating despite his illness.

“You speak well, Lady Niam.” His eyes met mine briefly before returning to her. “But words are wind. Actions prove worth.”

“Then let my actions speak.” She lifted her chin. “Test me as you will. I am ready.”

The Valti roared with triumph. My brilliant, brave mate.